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In the women's bathroom, I clean myself. Thank god the dress didn't get ruin... One of the toilet booth's door opens, the woman who walks out of there is Rose:"Hey, (Y/N)!". Why I get so anxious when I see her? Trying to keep my cool, so I giggle:"Oh, hi! Got some drink on me by accident, hahah.". Rose looks at herself from the bathroom mirror and starts putting more lipstick on:"God, Bucky is such a hunk! Am I right?!". My eyes goes to hers from the reflection of the mirror. "S-sure, guess that's something super-soldiers have in common." chuckling little nervously. "I'm so lucky girl! I am so going to get my hands on him tonight, if you know what I mean..." she winks at me with a sneaky smile. What!? "Oh, did he say he'd go with you..?" trying to act casual. "No, but he will. I always get what I want." she bluntly says and starts heading to the exit. This bitch..- Wait!? Why'd I think that? It's non of my business what Bucky does and with who.

Without thinking my mouth opens:"Rose...". She then quickly stops and turns to look at me with a questioning look. Don't really know how to put this:"Bucky's state of mind might not be the best, after everything he's gone thru. So... -". She cuts me off:"Don't worry. After he's got a taste of a real woman", her eyes quickly went up and down on me:"-he will forget everything he's gone thru.". Then she left, leaving me all alone in the bathroom. Rage starts pumping in my veins. How can she say that!? It's not a joke what he'd gone thru! I had to get some fresh air, so I go to the big balcony. Cold wind goes thru me as I lean against the edge. Taking a deep in and exhale to calm my nerves.

The music plays in the background, not able to hear the lyrics, but can hear the rhythm. There's a beautiful lake view, it looks so magical. The water sparkles and the moon is just staying still. It makes me feel so small. Wonder if Bucky will go with her... Why does it bother me so much? At the beginning of this party, I felt beautiful and confident. And now... I feel like I'm the ugliest one here. 'Don't worry, after he's got a taste of a real woman' Rose's words keeps playing in my head. Okay, I'll just take a deep breath and return to the others, maybe they're ready to leave too. As I turn around, I froze for a second. There is a man standing in the darkness, having their hands over their chest. "Bucky?!" my voice sound more surprised than I intended. "Why so surprised?" Bucky walks out of the shadows.

"...I thought-, I mean, where's your date?" struggling with my words. "What? I don't have a date." he raises eyebrow at me. My legs are shaking a bit:"But what about Rose..?". Bucky leans against the edge of the balcony with both elbows, watching the lake:"Right... Um, I told her it's not going to happen.". Blinking my eyes fast twice:"What's not going to happen?". Maybe playing dumb I'll resure my innocence and cover my thoughts about Rose. Bucky lets out a sigh:"I heard what she said to you in the bathroom...". My cheeks goes little bit red:"How-?", before I could finish, I realized; he had come after me when I went to the bathroom, and waited  in the hallway for me to come out. Super hearing, right. Guess I got little happy about it.

Now I'm leaning against the edge too:"You're alright?". We both look at the beautiful view. "Yeah, I'm alright. You?" he watches me corner of his eye. "Hm? Yes, I'm fine. Why?" my eyes goes to his. He rubs back of his head:"About... Your dress. I saw Steve helped you out...". "Oh, right..." letting out a giggle. "Didn't know you two are that close." there's a hint of jealousy in his voice. Does he think Steve and  I have a thing? "No, oh God no! No!" shaking my head in disbelieve. "Steve is like a brother to me! He was one of the first ones who took me in this whole Avengers group." bubbling my words out like I own him explanation. Small smile raises on Bucky's lips:"Yeah, sounds like something Steve would do.".

Cold breeze goes thru me and I stroke my arms, thinking we should go back inside. Before I can say anything, Bucky takes his jacket off and puts it on me. Getting little bit surprised by his action:"T-thank you... You sure you-", "It's alright, needed some fresh air anyway." he resures. The jacket is so warm, I can feel his body heat on it. Soothing smell goes to my nose, it's Bucky's scent. My heart start to pound hard in my chest as I watch him staring at the lake view, taking it all in. Then he turns to face me, standing so close:"(Y/N)...". Scott runs to the balcony and throws up overboard. Bucky and I take a step back from each other as we jumped. "Too much whiskey..." Scott moans unwell. "Geez, Scott..." I rush to see if he was ok.

Soon, all of us head to the Tower. Me and Bucky were now the ones who made sure Scott got in his bedroom. "(Y/N), will you come sleep next to me?" Scott mumbles drunk. "No. You should get some sleep on your own, pal." I chuckle. Bucky seem annoyed the whole time. "There!" we finally got him in his own bed safe. After closing the door behind us, it got quiet. Bucky is standing so close to me. Just realizing I'm still wearing his jacket. "Oh, here! Um... Good night then." I smile awkwardly as returning it. "Good night, (Y/N). Sweet dreams." his voice is soft. I got into the lift and just before the doors gets closed, I see Bucky still standing in the hallway:"Oh, (Y/N). That dress looks good on you.". Huh?! Before I got any time to react, the doors closes. My whole face is burning! Jumping in own bed felt great after shower. I keep blushing while thinking everything what happened. Wonder what would have happen if Scott didn't show up..? I push the thought away and went to sleep.

"Steve was such a gentleman!" Lola is on phone with me the morning after the party. "Glad you had fun." I'm lying on my bed. Think she have no memory when Steve turn her down that night, or she just didn't care. "How'd your night went? That Bucky was checking you out whole night!~" she teases. Having quick flash back how Bucky gave the compliment end of the night. "Nothing special happened. Scott threw up and we all went home." I roll my eyes. We chat a little before I decided to head down where everyone else were. Wearing sweatpants, loose shirt and hair up in messy bun. Tony, Wanda and Bucky were there, sitting and having coffee. "Morning, or should I say afternoon..." Tony tries to smile thru hangover. "Why are you here? And not in your own mansion?" I take my coffee mug. "I wish, but we have to get the clue from those files you brought to us from your last mission." Tony yawned. Tony, Bruce and Bucky had tried to examine those files, they were written in Russian. Sure, that was the easy part to translate them, but it had weird riddle. It didn't make any freaking sense to any of us. Something about love interest or such.

Couple weeks went by, nothing special has happened. I kept it casual with Bucky. Maybe I got it all wrong. Him liking me? Impossible. I pushed those thoughts away as hard as I could. Knowing I could not receive those same feeling from him... NO! I need to forget. Now, I'm in my room, lying on the bed and texting with Lola. Suddenly, unknown number calls. Normally I don't answer unknown numbers, but something made me feel like I should take this time. "Hello?" I answer. "(Y/N)? Where are you?" Bucky's voice. Immediately I sit up:"Uh-, In my room..?". Why is he calling me at this hour? "I need you to come to the park." he sounds serious. "What's going on?" I stand up. "Just hurry! Don't tell the others." he hangs up. "What on earth?" quickly collect my things and start to head out. Steve is walking alone in the hallway:"Oh, hi (Y/N). Where're you going at this hour?". 'Don't tell the others.' Not even to Steve..? I keep walking:"Oh, I'm just... Heading outside. See a friend.". Like I've said; I never lie to Steve, just leaving some things out. Trying to pass him, he keeps looking at me:"Is it Lola?". Damn, this guy... I just flash a smile at him and keep going.

It's already 8 pm and it's dark outside. Rushed to the park, steam coming out of my mouth as I ran. Bucky is standing there, his back facing me. "Bucky? What's going on?" I pant. When I got closer, I realized, it wasn't Bucky. It's someone who is same build as him. When I turn around, there are five men, pointing their guns at me. This was a setup! Slowly, raise my hands up as surrender. The man who's Bucky's build comes behind me and starts to tie my hands behind my back. Quickly, I head pump him with back of my head. Before those men with guns starts to shoot, I made a back flip to get behind this 'Bucky' guy. Using him as shield, he got few bullets in his chest. Fuck! I approach them still using this guy as shield, when I got close, I start to fight them. Throwing punches, kicks and flips. They all fall one by one. My left shoulder feels a small, but stinging ache. Shit! One of the men sees an opening in my defense and uses a tazer on me:"Ah!!". All goes dark after that.

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