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"Man! After end of the day, you still melt women's hearts. You got to teach me!" Sam still impressed by Bucky's act back at the motel. I just ignore everything and keep walking. Sam then watches the map from his device:"We're close.". We've walked quite some time now. I haven't said anything to Bucky about last night, neither has he. Why I feel this huge anger towards him right now? It's like last night meant nothing to him. Urgh, I'm overreacting! Hate this feeling! I have no right to feel this way anyway. But still... Bucky sees the dark look on my face as we walk:"What's wrong?". Raising my eyes on him:"Nothing. Why?". Bucky quickly glance at Sam, who walks in front of us, and back to me:"You just... Seem having something on your mind.". "I already said;'nothing'." and speed my walking.

He grabs me by the arm to stop:"If it is about that asshole, you don't need to wor-", my head shoots up and move his hand away. "He's not your concern." giving him evil glare. Bucky's face frozes for a second. Sam's voice brings us back:"There it is!". The car really was there, parked next to an old wooden house. We squat down, hiding behind some bushes further away. "What's the plan?" Sam ask. "Guess, we just get there and take what's ours." Bucky shrug. "So... We just steal it back?" Sam raise his eyebrow. Bucky looks at him annoyed:"It's not stealing if it's ours.". "So, we don't do anything to the person who stole it? He tried to shoot us!" Sam snaps. They continue their argument what we should or shouldn't do. Bucky just sighs deep. Sam starts to look around:"W- wait a minute... Where is (Y/N)?!". The duo frantically looks around, wondering where'd I go.

Having no interest to listen their argument, I already sneak into the house. Holding my gun ready as I walk slowly. Try to hear if there are any footsteps around the house. It's so quiet. Then, out of nowhere, a tip of a gun touches back of my head. My heart drops for a second. "What we have here?" male voice says. Shit. "Put the gun down." the voice command. Slowly, I put the gun down, keeping my hands up so he can see them. Who is this guy!? Can feel how they shift their balance a little as the old wooden floors makes a sound. "Now... Little girl..- " LITTLE!? With quick moves, I turn around and grab the gun in their hands. They make resistance. I kick in their stomach, it makes them fly back, thudding to the floor. "Who are you and why you stole our car!?" pointing the gun at them. The man coughs as they raise themselves to sit:"Didn't know it was your car... My apologies.". Watching as they try to get up. They have little suspicious look on their face:"You don't remember me?". My eyes goes quickly up and down:"Should I?". "I am Zemo. Helmut Zemo.". Wait? What?!

The man in front of me is Zemo. The Zemo, who made Bucky go back to the Winter Soldier back then. "But... You should be in prison! Locked behind bars..." still pointing the gun at him. He carelessly lifts his shoulders as he holds hands in the air:"Got out because good behavior?". Giving him a death stare, not buying it. He sighs:"Okay, maybe I took the free time my own.". Taking a step towards him, showing I'm not afraid of him:"Give me one good reason I shouldn't call the others here to tear you apart?". He gives a gentle smile:"Because I have some information about HYDRA you might not have.". Keeping stern look at him:"Like?". He put his hands down slowly:"That they're making more super-soldier serum and I know their leaders...". "What- ?" my words gets cut off by the duo rushing in from the front door:"(Y/N)!!!".

Both og them froze as they see who I was with. "What the hell!?" Sam yells. Bucky sees all red, ready to rip Zemo's head off. "Wo-ah, Bucky stop!" rushing in front of him, holding my arm against his chest. Bucky look so big and puffed up. This is bad! Zemo is standing behind me, looking so innocent. "He- he got some information we don't have!" my eyes goes from Bucky's to Sam's. "What you mean, (Y/N)?" Sam has stern voice. "HYDRA, they've been making super-soldier serum." I explain. Bucky keeps his angry eyes on Zemo. "What? Since when?" Sam question. Turning my head to face Zemo, he notices that this is his time to open his mouth. "N- not too long ago. They seem to kidnap people to test the serum.". "Who's 'they'?" Sam snaps back.

Zemo gives me the 'I'm not going to tell more, if you are going to attack me'- look. "Okay..." rolling my eyes. Raising my eyes back to Bucky, who still has his death stare towards Zemo:"We need him.". Bucky lower his gaze on me. Looking at each other so close, deep into the eyes. He finally groans:"Fine." and heads out. Leaving us three standing alone in the house. He's mad. "So... What we do?" Sam raise his eyebrow at me. I sigh deep:"I'll get the hand cuffs from the car..." and start to walk there. Zemo is about to say something, but I interrupt him:"We'll do this in my way.". He then nods silently as I walk out. "She's feisty one." Zemo turn to look Sam. Sam was about to nod with a smirk on his lips, but quickly realize who's he next to.

Bucky is standing near the bushes we were hiding few minutes ago, having his back on me. I'll just give him some time to think... Getting the handcuffs out of the car and went back inside. "Here!" throw them to Sam, who catches them and starts to put them on Zemo. "There are some guys after him, so we can't stay here." Sam informs. Without any resistance, Zemo lets him put the handcuffs on. I nod:"I'll call Tony. See if there is something in the house we need and we'll leave.". Then I walk outside. Calling Tony isn't going to be an easy task. He'll definitely going to loose his mind.

"WHAT!?" Tony shouts right in my ear. Holding the phone couple inches away from my ear:"Calm down, okay? He gives the information we need, and then we throw him back in his cell.". Can hear how Tony and Bruce starts arguing like worried mother and father. I listen with half ear. As their panicking goes on and on without any solution, I pinch the bridge of my nose eyes shut:"Just... Put Steve on the phone.". Can't stand these two right now. Tony scoffs:"Steve is on other mission with Clint and Natasha. Maybe I should com- ", "No need! Bye!" quickly I hang up. Phew... Bucky is still sulking outside, Sam still inside the house with Zemo, who's now in handcuffs. "Right... I guess we'll keep moving and continue our mission. With a killer hanging out with us." Great...

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