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We're now on the Quinjet. "(Y/N), how are you feeling?" Natasha asks. "Where is Bucky?" quickly I sit up. It seems I had pass out too at some point. Bucky is still unconscious, lying far away from me. "What happened there?" Steve comes to me, looking so worried. "I... The kidnappers, they just used me as a decoy to get Bucky. And he came... They used that opportunity to turn him back to Winter Soldier." I mumble. God, I feel awful. "It wasn't his fault!" my body start to shake, tears raising back up. "It's alright." Steve pulls me into a hug. His strong body feels warm and safe, it calms me down a bit. Tony just stands there, looking angry. He clearly wants to say something, but keeps it shut. Good. I can't have any other lecture from him.

Soon, we arrive to the Tower. I'm at the living room with the others. Even Bucky has woken up an hour ago, none of us have seen him yet. Bruce and Steve are the only ones with him now. Wanda is sitting beside me, holding my hand:"Good thing Steve got suspicious when he saw you leaving that night. He ran into Bucky and they started to look for you.". Sam is sitting on my other side, giving gentle strokes on my back. Everyone look so worried. I had just told them what had happen. I just can't stop shaking. "I'll go get a doctor, a gynecologist." Tony breaks the silence. "Wh- What!? Why?" I ask. "You were unconscious for awhile when they kidnapped you. God knows what they did to you." he hisses. "They didn't abuse me like that!" I hiss back. Tony is full of anger. "They must've use some kind technology to sound like Bucky on the phone." Sam thinks out loud. The others starts to debate the possible reasons why HYDRA chose me etc. I'm just waiting to see Bucky again.

Steve comes into the room. I stand up right away:"How is he?". My body had stop shaking. "He is fine. Maybe mentally damaged what he did, - or what the Winter Soldier did." he had sad tone in his voice. "Can I see him?" I ask. "That's maybe not a good idea." Steve says. He doesn't want to see me? "Where is he now?" Nat ask. "In his room. Resting." he looks out of the window. But... When can I see him? "Maybe it's better for all of us go to bed." Nat stands up, having gentle look on her face. So, we all start to head to our rooms. Nat and Wanda comes with me to the lift. For a moment we stay quiet. "You need company, (Y/N)?" Wanda asks with caring smile. "No, I'm fine. Guess, I just need some time alone too." resuring the duo. They both nod and goes to their own rooms. I really want to see Bucky. He must feel scared, angry, confused, sad... Tears comes down my face just thinking about it. I don't want him to be alone.

It's 3.09 am. Raindrops are hitting against the window and it's very dark outside. I can't sleep. The incident happened a week ago. I still haven't seen Bucky. He has locked himself in his room by his own chose. Only Steve could go in. What should I do? All I can think about is how Bucky was doing. Steve always answered that he was doing fine, he just doesn't want to see anyone. I need to do something else, other than just lying here thinking. So, I change my pyjamas into training clothes. Wearing turtleneck kind shirt to hide those bruises I got from the metal arm. After I tight my hair, I head to the training room. While walking there, I see how dark and gloomy it is outside from the windows. For some reason, it's beautiful out there. Maybe it just matches my mood.

Immediately when I come to the training room, I see there's someone in here. My heart skips a beat. It's Bucky! Should I go there? What if he doesn't want to see me..? He's kicking and punching the punching bag. He's clearly in the zone. We need to talk. The longer we wait, the harder it gets. So I step into the room. Carefully walk closer to him, and soon enough he senses my presence and stops punching the bag. Then he turns to take a look at me. Some shivers goes thru me. We are about seven meters away from each other. He looks so sad under that long hair. I feel like I'd want to start crying, but I keep it all in. Not knowing what to say, we both just stare at each other.

"You ok?" finally I let out. "What do you think?" he starts punching the bag again. Letting out a sigh:"Look, it was accident. I should have been more careful. Answering that fake call from 'you'... I was stupid.". Bucky stops again and looks away:"I still did it.". "It wasn't your fault." I take couple steps closer to him. "But it still happened." he says bluntly and starts to walk away from me. "Hey..!" I rush after him and grab his right arm to stop him. He got surprised by the touch and turns to see me. "Look at me. I'm fine!" I look him in the eyes. His eyes travel around my face, seen all those cuts and small bruises that has faded a little over time. Then he looks down my neck. "Then why are you hiding those bruises?" he point at the turtleneck. "I'm not hiding..." my voice cracks a bit. He looks so sad, it breaks my heart.

"It wasn't you." I continue. He turn his head to look out of the window. My eyes gets watery and heart feels heavy:"M-maybe it was your body, but not your mind. I know... I know you wouldn't hurt me..- or the others.". Tears start to roll down my eyes slowly. He keeps looking outside:"You were scared.". "Of course I was!" the tears starts run down faster. "Winter Soldier is a stranger to me. Bucky is... My friend." I sniff. He turns and sees me crying:"(Y/N)...". My head is facing down to the floor, tears blurring my vision. "Please... Please don't avoid me for the rest of your life." my voice got shaky. At first, he stares at me a bit hesitant, but then he wraps his arms around me, little bit nervously:"I could never do that.". Bucky... Then he hugs me tighter. It's like I can feel every muscle of his upper body against me. And all that pain he's feeling too. My sobbing doesn't seem to end anytime soon, so I put my hands around his waist, hugging him back. His body is so warm and the smell of him is so soothing... "You need to buy me a huge ice cream." I muffle against him. Felt his nod against top of my head as he's resting his chin on it.

Clock is now 8 am. I just got out of the shower, towel wrapped around my body. Thinking about Bucky's hug. How it was first gentle, then tight and caring... Red cheeks popped up. I can't keep having these weird feelings about him! Is it possible... That I have a crush on him!? No, that's not it. We are friends, even I said that to him. It just... Pushing once again those feelings away. Then I put on some makeup, jeans, jumper with loose turtleneck, leaving my hair open. Going down the lift, Steve joins me after I got to his floor. The doors closed. "We talked... With Bucky. Everything is fine now." I smile at him. "Really? That's great! I'm glad..." there's relief in his voice. "He seemed so broken... Afraid your friendship had ended because of it." he says. I raise my eyebrows at him, slightly surprised.

We arrived to the kitchen. Sam, Natasha, Clint and Wanda having breakfast there. "Morning, everyone!" Steve smiles to everybody. "Morning." everyone greets back. "It's so cold out there, so I decided to make some warm pancakes and hot cocoa." Sam offers me a plate. "Oh! Thank you." I smile at him. Having a pile of pancakes on my plate and big mug of cocoa, I sit down the table with the others. Soon, Bucky comes in. "Morning, Buck!" Steve takes a sip of coffee. Bucky muttered something. It seems he had a quick nap after our talk. Can see from everyone's faces that they are surprised to see Bucky and me at the same room in good terms. "Sooo... I'm guessing everything is ok with you two..?" Clint looks at the two of us. Bucky and I exchange a quick smile.

Nat and Wanda gives me relief smile. "A kiss for a made up?" Clint suddenly blurt out. Me and Bucky start to choke on our drinks. It made everyone burst into a laugh and giving us evil smiles. "No, nothing like that." Bucky cough. "Why you all have to make everything weird?" I rub tears off my eyes that came from all that coughing. "Hey! What's going on here?" Scott walks in. "Nothing." me trying to hide a blush. It looks like it made Bucky blush a little bit too. Tony walks in too. Judging the way he froze, he was surprised seen Bucky and I in the same room. "You two made up?" he point his finger at us. "With a kiss!" Clint shouts. Tony raise his eyebrow. "That's not true!" I hiss back at him. Wanda and Nat laugh and back me up. "Right..." Tony gives a small ruffle on my head and goes to get some coffee. Maybe that is his way apologize his action earlier. With corner of my eye, I see Bucky looking at my neck. I try smoothly place my hair in front, so the bruises got covered. The bruises aren't that bad, they look more like hickeys.

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