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Dark night came as we finally arrived to Washington. We sneak in shadows in the alley the trucks supposed to drive by. "I see one."  Sam informs us from the sky into our comms, keeping his eyes on that there won't be any surprises. "Get ready." Steve says. The truck drives fast. "Now." Sam demands Peter. Spider-man jumps from his hide and webs the whole alley, so there is no way it'll drive thru it. Hearing the wheels shriek as the truck stops. "What the hell!?" one of the HYDRA agent yells. Both, the driver and the one sitting next to him, look confused by all that web. "Well, what the hell are you there for? Go out and see what is going on!" the driver hisses to the other.

As the agent gets out of the truck, Natasha kicks the door so it hits the enemy and they fall down. The driver sees this:"What -!?" and gets hypnotized by Wanda. "Great job guys!" Sam smiles. Our soldiers takes down the guards that were inside the truck with the hostages. There are women and men, all age and very scared. "Eight, nine, ten..." Steve counts the hostages. "Like Nagel said..." Bucky confirms. "The second truck is coming." Sam informs. Pressing the earpiece in my ear:"Right...". Then me and Peter close the door of the truck, hiding the super-soldiers and hostages for them to see. Steve starts calmly speaking to the hostages, hoping all of them speaks same language. Bucky translates when needed.

The second truck stops right behind the other. The driver peeks out from window:"Hey! Why you stop!?" and starts honking the horn. Peter peeks thru the window upside down:"Guess this is your stop." and pulls the driver out. The driver lets out a scream as he gets taken up in the air. The agent sitting in the passenger seat quickly load their gun and gets out. "Nighty night." I knock them unconscious. After all the bad guys were taken down, Peter gets behind the truck and opens the doors. All the hostages look horrified as they saw the boy in spider suit. "H-hey..! We are here to safe you." Peter tries to calm everyone down. Sam flies down, next to Peter:"Everyone alright?". Quickly Sam counts the hostages from the other truck:"..nine, ten... Ten!". "Great! Good job you two!" I cheer them. They smile back at me and start to tell the hostages how they are all safe now and will get home soon.

Bucky opens the back door of the first truck and all of the people in there rush out. We start to gather all of them in one truck, so we can drive them to the police station. A man gets out of the truck, grabs Bucky by his hand and shakes it. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" there are tears in his eyes. Bucky gets little bit straddled by this:"Y-You're welcome.". Watching this from far, my heart fills with joy. What a moment this must be for him. Finally, we get all of the people in one truck and inform the police. Sam and Natasha gets in the truck, ready to take them back. "See you soon." I smile at them. Nat peeks out of the window:"You better. Otherwise our girlsnight will be very dull.". Steve quickly speaks to the duo and they leave. Then Steve turns around to face us:"Right. Now, let's get Sidorov.". We all nod with small smiles on our faces.

The truck driver is now under Wanda's control. She sits at the passenger seat, wearing HYDRA's uniform. Steve, Bucky and I are inside the truck, where the hostages were. Peter is under the truck hidden. We arrive to the HYDRA's hiding place. It's some old factory looking place. But before we can get in, the driver must show his face to some guards at the gate. "Barry, how are the kids?" the guard asks from the driver. Wanda start to panic a little, but makes the driver just wave his hand carelessly. "Oh, rough night? Well talk to you later then..." and opens the gate. Phew... We get into the loading area, and couple of agents comes to open back of the truck. For their surprise, we stand there with our weapons.

They start shouting as we make our attack. Peter gets out of his hide and starts fighting too. Wanda puts the driver into sleep and comes to fight with us. Soon, the agents are down, but there was more to come from outside area. "Wanda, Spidey, you take these guys. We'll go get to the doctor." I inform and start to head into the building. Wanda quickly turns, worry on her face:"(Y/N), wait! You sure you want to face him? Last time he almost sexually assaulted you..-". "What?!" Bucky, Steve and Peter shout at the same time. Oh, right... They didn't know that part...                    "Almost, Wanda. Don't worry, I'll be fine." resuring everyone. They all exchange looks for a second. "C'mon! We got no time!" I rush ahead. Steve and Bucky goes after me. Wanda and Peter continues fighting against the people outside.

Walking inside the factory, try to listen if there are enemies nearby. "Why didn't you tell me?" Bucky frowns. Turn to look at him:"Guess I forgot." and continue walking. Steve raise his eyebrows:"You forgot?". "Hey, Bucky isn't the only one who has trouble to remember..." try to light up the mood, but the soldiers gives a stern look. Rolling my eyes at them:"It's not a big deal. Why you guys always exaggerate things?". Guess, somehow I feel embarrassed about how weak I was back then... Bucky clenches his jaw from anger:"He's going to get it...", thinking how he's going to beat up Sidorov so badly. "Na-ah, I'm going to give it to him!" I whisper hiss back. Bucky's head snaps right at me:"You are not gonna give him anythi- ", Steve hush us as he sees that there is one guard with a gun.

We hunched down and peek behind a wall. There is one hostage with them, their head is covered with a bag. Seems to be a woman. This looks suspicious... Quickly, Steve throws the shield, it hits guard's head and they fall to the floor. We run up to the hostage. Bucky and Steve keeps looking around, ready if anyone tries to attack. I go up to the hostage and cut her hands free with my knife. Keeping calm voice:"Hey, it's the Avengers... We are here to get you out.". Then I pull the bag away. My jaw almost drops to the ground when I recognize the woman:"Rose?!".

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