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Natasha, Wanda, Lola and I went to this very nice restaurant nearby. After we order our meals, we start to chat. "(Y/N), why didn't you wear the one we bought earlier today?" Lola point my cutout turtleneck shirt. "Ouh... It didn't go well with my shoes after all." I lie. Wanda gives me teasing look. Feel so mad at Bucky right now. How can he do such childish thing?! It's like the mark on my neck still burns from Bucky's touch. Like he's still on me. Slight blush comes up to my cheeks just thinking about him. Wanda enter to my mind:"He just wanted to mark his territory, like animal." can hear her giggle. Roll my eyes:"He's an old grumpy caveman, that what he is.". "He is just worried about you. That's sweet." she smiles gently."Yeah, let Vision bite you and see how you'll like it!" almost bend the fork in my hands.

"(Y/N)?" Natasha's voice bring us back. "Hm?" turn to look at the red head friend. "Lola here had an idea where we'll go after dinner." she sips her wine. "Yeah! It's 10 minutes away. New club that has it opening tonight. You know what that means..." Lola winks. "...Lot of men." I nod out of old habit. "Vision comes to pick me up after dinner." Wanda inform. "Ey! Thought this is girls night." I playfully frown at her. She shrug her shoulders with a smile:"We already agreed before you guys told me we go out to eat.". Natasha waves her hand:"Let it go, (Y/N). Let the love birds have their time.". "Aaw, I wish I had somebody to be birds with." Lola sigh. "Things didn't go well with the Cap?" Nat ask.

The food arrives and we start eating. "Don't worry, maybe we find your 'bird' tonight." Nat smiles. Quickly I swallow the food in my mouth:"Sam! He could be your bird.". Big smile comes Lola's face:"The Falcon?". "I thought Scott was interested?" Wanda wonders out loud. "The Ant-man?" Lola feels flattered. "Oh, yeah. But birds eat ants for breakfast." I joke and we all burst out laughing. While laughing, my eyes catch someone staring at us from the outside, in distance. It's hard to see who it is because it's dark outside, but they are definitely staring. They have dark hoodie over their head. "(Y/N)?" Wanda place her hand on mine. It made me jump a little:"Y- Yeah?" turn to look at her. "Another drink?" she ask with a smile. "Su-sure." I smile back. "Everything okay?" she ask. Then I turn back to look where the person was standing, but they were not there anymore. "Yeah, I just thought I saw something." I shake my head a bit. Don't tell me it was Bucky?

We continue the night. Lots of laughs and talks with the girls. Just what I needed. After the dinner, we step outside and Wanda left with Vision on their own way. Natasha, Lola and I start heading to the club. "Let's go find your bird Lola!" I wrap my arm around Lola and we laugh. "God (Y/N), little tipsy aren't you?" Natasha giggle. "What? Noo ~!" I laugh. Ten minutes of walking, we arrive to the club. There are lot of people, but we got in pretty quickly. Lights flashing, music loud and people around us drunk, some more than the other. "You guys want shots?" Natasha shout thru the music. "What?!" I shout back. She lean in:"Shots?!". Me and Lola nod and Nat goes to get us some.

We get a seat and watch all the people on the dancefloor. "We must go dancing after the shots!" Lola dances in her place. "Of course!" I smile. Then Natasha comes with the shots and some other drinks:"Tony's treat!". "Damn, Nat! He's going to kill you!" I laugh. "Oh, c'mon. If anyone knows what makes party going, it's him!" she laugh and shares the drinks. We gulp down the shots and go to the dancefloor with the drinks. It's pretty cramped, but we didn't mind. Even I'm having fun, I still feel like I'm being watched. Maybe I'm just imagining things...

Five songs later, I head towards the bathroom. Natasha and Lola went get more drinks. Pass by a window, corner of my eye I see that there is that same figure standing outside of the club. They are once again staring at me. Still the hoodie over their head. Bucky? Shake my head in disbelieve and went to the bathroom. Why is he here?! The booth feels moving just tiny bit. Maybe the shot was too much..? Soon the bathroom gets empty, I'm the only one in here. Just the thought of him not trusting me gets my blood pump in my veins. Wash my hands and check myself from the mirror. Then pick the phone out of my purse and call Bucky. Oh, he's going to get it...

He quickly picks up:"Hey doll, missed me?". "What are you doing?!" I snap. "I'm... Hanging out with the gu..-", "Don't play dumb with me Bucky." I scoff. "What?" he ask. Keep pacing around:"You can't keep following me like this. This is ridiculous!". My words echo in the room. Some girls comes in all giggling loud. "Follow you? H-hold on. Somebody's following you?" Bucky ask, hardly hear him. So I head out of the bathroom:"Oh, real smooth Barnes. But guess what? I'm not that stupid.". How long is he going to pretend and act all innocent? Walk outside where people are smoking and drinking. The man is still standing there in the shadows. "I can see you standing right at the alley across the street!" I point out. "(Y/N)..-" he sound upset. "No. You know what? Fine. I'm coming there and let's see who's the dumb one." I rush across the street with phone still on my ear. Just when I'm about to start lecture the man, my heart drops and eyes goes wide:"Adam?".

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