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Sam tried to light up the mood by making jokes and signing along songs. Bucky didn't like it at all, I was just quiet the whole time. "Rough crowd..." Sam mutter. 'Think first! What would Adam think if he founds out some guy tried to harras you!?' Bucky's words played in my head again and again. We drove 3 hours. Finally, I broke the silence:"Hey... One of the hiding places is near by!". I see it from the map Tony gave us. "Really? Then we're on it!" Sam smiles, happy he hears someone else talking. We soon arrived close to our destination, leaving the car far away so the bad guys can't spot us. Their hiding place is in old warehouse. "Why it always have to be a warehouse..?" I whisper as we sneak in there.

Sam stayed outside, flying, ready to take care of all the guards outside. Me and Bucky go in, holding our guns ready. "There is three guys on the roof." Sam informs thru comms. "Right, I see seven guys in front of us." I whisper from our hiding spot. Bucky hasn't said anything this whole time. It annoys me more than it should. "Ok, I'll take the left. You go right." giving Bucky orders while keeping eyes on the targets. "You sure know how to make decisions..." he rolls his eyes. "Wh- Where is this attitude coming from!?" my voice is louder than intended. The HYDRA agents heard it and starts shooting at us. "Shit!" Bucky hisses and shoots back. I run to take a cover behind metal boxes that are placed around the place. They are probably storing new weapons in them.

Bullets are flying everywhere. All I can hear is them hitting against the metal I'm hiding behind. Trying to shoot at them here and there. Bucky is behind the corner we got spotted. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" shouting at Bucky thru the noise. He says nothing, just focused on shooting. Corner of his eye, he notices me giving the angry look, then he turns to look at me. "YOU JUST GO FOR OTHER GUY WHEN I WAS GONE!" he shouts, turns back to the enemy and got a head shot on one of the guys. "WHAT!?" think I heard him wrong. What does that mean!? Bullets won't stop there, HYDRA's agents seems to have endless bullets. "THE KISS MENT NOTHING!?" he shoots two of the guys and hides again behind the wall. "KISS!? WHAT KISS?? WHO YOU KISSED!?!?" I frown, not knowing what the hell is he talking about. Bucky then sees my confused face. His face fell, like he just realized something. What the hell is he talking about!?

Sam rushes in thru skylight window, shooting at the bad guys. It helps us to get out of our hiding and run to take the agents down by hands. Jump against one of the agents and knee kick him in the chin, he takes few steps back, but then tries to stab me with a knife. I dodge and put him in a sleep with elbow hit behind his neck. Seeing corner of my eye, the last guy standing is running at me from behind. It happens in second; right after I turn around to face him, he got punched to the ground with metal arm. Bucky came to the rescue. "You're welcome." he bluntly says while glaring at me.

All of the men are now either dead or unconscious. "Did I miss something?" Sam pants. "No, everything is fine." I smile at him. He smiles back and told us he'll go get some rope to tie these guys. When Sam got out of site, I turn to stare at Bucky with angry eyes. Bucky avoided my eyes, pacing back and forth like he's nervous. "What did you do?" I break the silence. He tries to look innocent:"I didn't do... Anything.". "You are a bad liar, Barnes." crossing arms over my chest. "I might have... Kissed you before leaving to Wakanda." he mutter, still avoiding looking straight in me in the eyes. "You- WHAT!?" my mind got blown. Suddenly, I remember... That night... I saw the dream about him kissing me. "W- wait... It wasn't a dream!?!?" my cheeks getting red like tomato. He put his hands up as defense:"For my defense, I didn't know you were sleepwalking!". "W-wh..." I stutter. "I found it!" Sam runs to us, holding some rope.

We finish up at the warehouse and start heading back to the car. Bucky is silent the whole walk. Sam talks normally, I'm trying to be like nothing had happen. Trying to wrap my head around all of this new information. Kind of had forgot that dream - well, now turn out to be reality... My heart is beating like crazy. Did that really happen!? Feels like my head is spinning. "Wait..? Who's that?" Sam notices someone's standing right next to our car. Unknown male figure, who's now breaking into the car! "Oh, hell you won't!" Sam starts running and hops on his wings. Me and Bucky start running after:"Shit!". The car's wheels screeches as it starts to get away. Well, this is unfair. Sam has his bird costume, Bucky has his super-soldier powers and I... Just a normal human, who doesn't even like running! But wait...

The road takes a hard turn to the right and the road goes down the hill after that, so if I'll just run thru this wood next to us, I'm able to jump on the car. "Where are you going, (Y/N)!?" Bucky shouts after me as I start running in to the woods. I was right! The car is coming fast, so I'll time my jump so I'll land on it. "Now!" I yell to myself and make the jump. Thudding on top of the car like a pro. It's hard to stay on it:"Whoa!". Trying to keep my balance, knew the driver must've heard me already. "(Y/N)!!!" Sam shouts from the air. A bullet flies thru the car ceiling right next to me. "Ah!" I let out a scream. Sam dodges the bullet just in time in the air. The bullet belongs to the driver, who's now trying to shoot me while driving. "Fuck-!" I curse and try to reach to my own gun while holding on to the car one hand. It's difficult to do while you're top of a moving car!

"(Y/N)!" Bucky shout as he runs behind. He is super fast. The road is about to make the second hard right turn. Just when I get my gun loaded, Bucky grabs truck of the car and yanks it with all his power, so it'll stop the car. But it quickly backfired. The sudden impact made me fly off top of the car right towards Bucky:"AAH-!!!". Bucky catches me and we both start rolling down the hill. Both of us cursing our way down this long and steep hill. Bucky keeps his arms wrap around my body, covering my head with his one hand. Sam notices our fall and glances quickly the getaway car. It was already gone so far.

The spinning finally stops. "Uurghh..." my head is spinning like crazy and I feel something heavy on top of me. Bucky's blue eyes are staring right at me, inches away from my face, having his arms still around me. He's lying on top of me!! For a second we stare each others eyes. My heart starts pounding like crazy again and redness raises on cheeks. "What the hell you were thinking?!" he rasp out. "Me!?" I push him off of me, so he flops right next to me. We're middle of a flower field right next to the hill we just fell down. "The question is; what were you doing!?" raising myself to sit. Sam flies right next to us:"You guys alright?". We both glare at him for a second, having tiny scars and scratches here and there.

Later, we walk down the road, feeling defeated. Sam tries to track the car with his technology. "What are we going to do now? All of our stuff is in that car..." I worry out loud. "If you wouldn't got in the way, we would have the car." Bucky mutters. Turning quickly to face him and stopped walking:"Excuse me!? Are you saying this is all my fault?". Normally, I hate fighting with anyone, but Bucky has pushed all my buttons all day, and I'm done with it. "Okay, okay, cut it out." Sam walks between us as he keeps his eyes on the device. We both scoff and put our hands over our chests. "I texted Tony, they'll track the car. It will take a while, so we should go and find a place to crash. There seems to be some kind motel near by..." Sam keeps walking ahead. Can't look at Bucky right now. God he's annoying right now...  We kept walking in silence. Bucky's face softens a bit and he reaches his hand towards me. Got surprised by that and jolt my head little bit back. "There." he takes a flower pedal out of my hair and continues walking. It must've got stuck my hair from the fall earlier. I don't get this guy...

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