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My vision is all blurry. Strong light shines right at me. What the hell? All I can hear is male voices, speaking Russian. HYDRA. Soon, my vision gets clear. Then I realize, I'm strapped in a chair very tight. "Ah, miss (Y/N) (Y/L)." unfamiliar male voice says with very heavy Russian accent. It's an old man with huge scar across his face. "You finally awake." he humms pleased. "I'd rather wake from my own bed." I mutter, trying to stay calm. He chuckles:"My apologizes the drive here wasn't as pleasant..." and starts walking slowly around the room. There are two big bodyguards with guns standing in front of the door. The room is small and dirty. It has big monitor in one corner, a hospital bed looking in other corner and wooden table right in front of me. "You gave some hard time to my men. Four out of six died." he seems more impressed than angry about it. "Damn, I do need to train more." giving sarcastic tone at him.

"Is there a special reason you needed my company?" I try to look around the room unobtrusively, see how I could take these guys down and leave. "Everything has it's reasons." he comes closer. The big scar across his face is huge distraction. "See this?" he points at the scar. "Could be worse." I shrug. "Your father... He gave this to me." he continue. My dad? "Yes. The bounty hunter." his face got now serious. "Well, like I said; could be worse. If my mom was there..." I smirk at him. Quickly, he smacks across my face with back of his hand. He has a ring with HYDRA's logo on his ring finger. It made a cut corner of my cheek which starts to bleed. "And now... I have (Y/L)'s own daughter captured." he smirks. Raising my head back between my shoulders:"You sure can keep a long ass grudge. My parents quit years ago.". His eyes gets filled with anger. "Giving Mr. (Y/L) back is not the only reason why you're here." he turn his back on me. All this time have tried to loose the ropes I'm tied to without them seen. "Nice, more surprises... You know, I have better to do than just sit here and wait." I roll my eyes.

"Looks familiar?" he throws a pile of pictures on the table in front of me. My eyes goes wide. All of the pictures of me and Bucky. The time we were at the park, having ice cream... Coming out of the pub... At the Halloween party... I look at the Scarface confused:"So, what? You pervert took a lot of pictures of us?". "He looks happy in those." he smirks. He sure does... Times I wasn't watching, he had his eyes on me, smiling. "I.. I still don't get it. You just brought me here to watch your pervert album of people?". He clenches his jaw unimpressed, guess he hates my guts. "We will have our soldier back. Sooner or later." creepy smile cracks on corner of his mouth. "The Winter Soldier." his eyes look like crazy person's. Wait... What? "You mean, you use me as decoy? To get him to come here..." my face falls. "Of course he'll come to safe his love interest." Scarface turns his back on me again. Love interest!? He thinks we are a couple?

For some reason, a slight panic hits:"Look, you got it all wrong! He and I are NOT-", he slaps me again, this time on the other cheek. The sound of the slap echoes in the room for a slight moment. Then, I raise my eyes on him with evil glare. "In the meantime... We can have a little bit fun." he smirks and comes awfully close to my face and starts to open his belt. Oh, hell no! My hands got free and head bump him hard, he takes few steps back:"Argh!". The bodyguards got surprised by my attack. I run towards them, knee kicked the other's chin and punched the other with my fist. Rage pumping in my veins. "Son of bitch!!!" Scarface's nose is bleeding. Just before my next move, a third guard surprises behind me. He quickly puts a collar around my neck and it gives me a zap. "AH-!!" I fall to the floor in pain.

"Now... Where were we..?" Scarface stands up and wipes the blood off his nose. The guards grabs me and lift me, so my feet no longer touch the ground. "Let go of me you f-" I struggle. Sharp pain comes back to my shoulder and panic hits as they place me on the hospital bed. "Be a good girl." Scarface humms as he approach. Trying to keep brave face:"Fuck yo..-", they zap me again, this time with higher power. My whole body clenches as they holds me down the bed. No! All of sudden, one of the guards shouts something in Russian. Scarface turns to look at the monitors. "He is here." he says. I lift my head up slowly. Bucky!? The men talk something in Russian and quickly leaves the room, leaving me alone in there.

When it became clear they are not coming back, I raise myself to sit to see the monitors. Bucky! It's him! He came to me... Watching the monitors and see how he runs thru the hallways, shouting my name while fighting against HYDRA agents. He's unstoppable. Tony is there too, in Ironman suit. And Wanda, Steve, Natasha... They all seem to split up to find me faster. They all came for me. A tear rolls down my cheek. Then, I start to look around, trying to figure out how to get out of here. The door is locked. There is no way I could open it. It's made with something unbreakable. What do I do?!

Suddenly, I heard buzzing sound and the door's lock got open. "(Y/N)!" Bucky opens the door. My eyes lights up when I see him:"Bucky-!", the collar zap me again and I fall to the floor. "(Y/N)!!" Bucky runs to me. The door gets closed behind him. He breaks the collar with his hands. "Bah..!" I can breath normally again. "(Y/N), are you ok!? What did they do to you!?" he's angry and worried at the same time. He lifts my head up to scan my face and sees the few hits. "I'm ok. Bucky, but you have to leave! They-, they try to make you one of them again! I was just a decoy." I explain in panic. "What..?" he let under his breath. "Sergeant Barnes." a voice said from a speaker. Even Tony and the others could hear it, where ever they are. It was that Scarface's voice. He then starts to speak Russian. Bucky's face falls, like he had seen a ghost. Then I realize; The trigger words. Shit! Bucky tries to cover his ears and starts screaming.

I try to scream for help and yank the door, but it won't open. "No! Fuck! Bucky, hang in there!!" I try to calm him down, even I'm panicking myself. No, no, no, no, he can't turn into Winter Soldier! I'm not even fully healed! Nothing works on the door. Bucky's scream hurts my heart. He is clearly suffering. I shut my eyes tight:"Let us out!!". Then... It got all quiet. Huh? Cold shivers goes down my spine. "Bucky..?" I whispers while turning around to see him. His head is facing down, long hair covering the face. Scarface says something in Russian and Bucky raise his eyes to look at mine. "Kill the girl." voice said in the speaker. Wasting no time, he attacks me. I dodge the first punch. His fist leaves deep mark on the door. "Shit! Bucky!" I shout. His eyes are dark, as lifeless as back then. He's back...! Back to the Winter Soldier! I'm scared. This is not the Bucky I know.

He continues attacking and I try my all to dodge them all. I don't want to hurt him. I just need to wait for the others to find us. Winter Soldier gets a punch on my right shoulder. I quickly kick him on stomach. "Sorry!" I yell. I have to fight. Otherwise, I'll be dead! Thank god he has no gun with him. "Try to remember! It's me, (Y/N)!" I shout. Nothing. He just tries to get rid of me. Just like back then. At least now I knew some of his moves. The metal arm hits me on the left shoulder. "AH-!" I groan in pain. He quickly grabs me by the throat with the metal arm and pushes me up against the wall. I can't breath! My feet are not touching the floor. No matter how much I try to break free, I can't get out of his grip. Tears began run down my face. I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared. It's Bucky, but at the same time, it isn't.

"(Y/N)!!!" can hear Tony's voice behind the door. They start to break in. The door isn't going to break easy. "B... Bucky. You are my f-friend." I gasp weakly. Is this where I die? Then he toss me across the room, making my back hit against the table, which flips around. All the pictures starts flying around the room. It's like the room is now raining pictures. I groan on the floor on my back, trying to get up, but Winter Soldier quickly comes on top of me. "Ah-!" I let out a scream. No! He pins me down and puts the metal arm again on my throat. "No... Bucky!" I cry. Suddenly, his eyes goes next to a picture that is right next to my head. In the picture he is with me, having ice cream. Smiling. Both of us giving heart warming smiles to each other.

Bucky's eyes shifts from mine to the picture couple times. His mind got upset. Can feel it in his grip as it got more loose. Panting in panic, he jumps of off me. Slowly, I raise myself to sit:"Bucky..?". My throat is killing me right now, but I ignore the pain. All I'm worried about is him. There are tears in Bucky's eyes. More tears comes out from my eyes:"Bucky...", Tony finally breaks the door and rushes in. "(Y/N)!!" he sees all the mess. All the pictures around the floor, table on its side, us crying. "(Y/N)!" Wanda runs up to me and hunches down to check up on me. Steve runs up to Bucky:"Buck..!". Natasha and Tony stands at the door. My whole body shivers. "What happened to you?! Are you alright?!" Wanda keeps asking, but I ignore her words. Just staring at Bucky, who keeps panting in panic. This is all is too much for him and soon enough, he fainted.

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