006 - cold

644 36 69

"Who's not here again?"

"Who's not here again?"

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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"this is a crisis!!!" you screamed as you looked through the printed and framed pictures that your beloved mother has showed you, specifically the photos she took last night.

she wasn't lying when she said she was going to use it against you. or maybe just for her fantasy that one day you'd end up with him, he was a one of her top candidates for a son-in-law.

"mom can i be absent for school today?" you asked in the most sweetest yet annoyed tone as possible, practically begging already.

"no, you should face your fears y/n." your mom crossed her arms. "and go get that boy!"

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

walking through the hallways of school, you looked more glum the usual, although you still looked good with all your preparations and everything.

before going to school today, you had to wash chifuyu's jacket in hand since you wanted it to be extra clean and stain-free. you just hoped that the boy didn't find out that you were the same person with him last night.

that would be the last thing you wanted.

as your thoughts ran through your mind, a hard bump threw you out of your trance as your full alert was on the person who caused the collision.

you looked back quite agitated as you glanced on the person's back. his blonde hair swayed as he glanced back at you, his face was nonchalant as if he wasn't startled.

"oh sorry, my bad." he said with no hint of sympathy, as if he wasn't guilty at all. you wanted to confront him there and then but for the sake of not wanting to make a scene and damaging your reputation, you gave him a fake cheery smile.

"it's alright! don't worry about it." saying this in a sweet tone but definitely not happy about it. you looked away, giving out a scoff right after.

the boy's gaze didn't divert to anything else but looking at your form as you slowly disappeared through crowds. a smile was plastered on your face as the people who pass by you greet you with their respects.

the persona you were giving off was different. you seemed like you were covering your true and genuine self and it somehow ticked him off.

but why did this concern him this much? why did a mere girl he met in a cafe being a pretend-perfect girl in campus caught his attention so much? he also didn't why he was drawn this much to you.

'she probably didn't think i recognized her already.' the boy thought. he also wondered why you pretended not to know him despite meeting him at least once already.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

school was finally over and instead of feeling overwhelmed by the numerous schoolworks you were rather overthinking over the fact how your dear classmate's actions were cold towards you.

if he hated you he could at least be subtle about it. but oh boy he definitely didn't.

during the first class you both had together, your piece of wood for writing- a pencil in short accidentally fell from your table. it landed right tight beside his chair. out of all people why his chair?

this is a fanfiction...what do you expect?!

so you hoped that the kind gentleman that he is, that he would return it back to you.

≪𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 ≫

"um excuse me chifuyu!" you whisper-yelled to the blonde who was two seats away from you. the teacher was currently discussing so you didn't want to create some noise.

he didn't bother to look at you the first and second time you called, so you made your voice even louder. "chifuyu!"

"ms. l/n, please lower down your tone! you are disrupting the class!" the teacher's stern voice startled you to the core. you immediately looked back at her mentally cursing inside your mind.

"i'm so sorry zenin-sensei. i won't do it again." you apologized, but internally you were kinda mad about the situation. you eyed chifuyu as a subtle smirk rested upon his face

'that jerk!' mentally throwing him a slipper at this point.

≪𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳...≫

so there was this task that you had to do in pairs. baji was currently in the clinic, deeming that he was quite sick. he was literally acting that he was having a stomachache with all his facial expressions and movements. such an actor!

since baji was gone, the number of students inside the classroom was in an odd number, so sadly one student had to do the task alone.

you looked at your friends whom paired among themselves, you felt quite sad that they left you all alone. so the only ones without a partner were you, chifuyu and a random classmate whose kinda in the below average in terms of iq. no offense:)

"chifuyu please pick your partner." zenin-sensei said as she instructed the boy. chifuyu looked at you first making you feel shy since he was going to pick you.

he walked closer to you as you felt your heart beating quickly. 'get a grip!' you exclaimed internally. but oh oh, your heart started beating even quicker as he leaned closer to your ear.

his hot breath tickled your left ear, sending shivers to your spine- don't worry we are pg13 here people.

"sorry but you would probably be sitting this one out and doing it by yourself." he whispered into your ear. making you both shiver and in the same time pissed.

the boy expected you to finally react and confront him about his attitude. that was his main goal after all, he wanted to see the real you in this mask that you were using.

but instead of getting results he wanted, you gave him a pretentious smile. "that's alright! i can do it alone anyway."

≪𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 ≫

"ugh please don't tell me he's here again." you mentally groaned, opening the transparent doors of the cafe.

"who's not here again?"

"who's not here again?"

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i know people read my book but can i get like a "hello" or any comment at all 😭 this commentless chapter of my book is gonna get awkward 😐

but aside from that thank you so much for 554 reads!!!


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