017 - pilot

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"I would never leave you."


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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"so everyone here's a list of the best colleges and a list of the courses they specialize in. make sure to think of a future career you would want to take." the teacher said before she ended the class.

you all were second-years and one more year to go before college, so you had to be ready.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

chifuyu and you were walking home quietly, you wanted to talk to him so you were thinking of a topic to talk about.

"chifuyu?" the green-eyed male looked at you curiously and immediately— like he was waiting for you to say something to him. he loved it when you would start the conversation. "yes y/n?"

"for class earlier, what did you think of for your future career?"

"hmm...you first." he replied which a gentle nudge towards you. "umm..."

"i would probably want to be a doctor." you replied as chifuyu looked at you with a proud look. "but not the type of doctor who stays in hospitals all day, i want to travel a lot and help different people."

"i can do that for you." he replied as you gave him a confused look. "i'll travel the world with you, i'm going to be a pilot."

"wait are you just going to be one because of me—"

"yes." he ruffled your hair and you could feel your heart skip a beat. "but not only that, i was always interested in flying."

"where do you wanna go first, i promise to take you there." he added as he looked at the whimsical clouds and blue sky, imagining himself as a pilot while soaring through the sky.

"hmm..." you thought of a country you were interested in. "maybe switzerland, i would love to go there."

"then switzerland it is." a gentle smile was on his face as he showed you his pinky. you pulled out yours as well as he intertwined them. "i promise to bring you there." he paused for a second. ".....and wherever your heart wants to go."

you felt your cheeks heat up. he then placed an arm around your shoulder. you felt so in peace, like you were home.

it was a bit quiet then, until your thoughts went to a certain ravenette.

"how about baji, do you know what he wants to be?" you asked, realizing that you haven't seen the male in two weeks already. you could notice chifuyu become tense for a split second from the mention of his name.

"he wants to own a pet shop." he placed his hands on his pocket, remembering his dear friend telling him the career of his dreams. "he loves animals so it wasn't a surprise."

"i wonder where he is, i missed him." your voice was slightly saddened by the situation. chifuyu sighed beside you. "i miss him too. but he doesn't want to see me."

"and why's that?"

"remember last week you wrapped me around bandages because i told you i got beaten up?"

you perked your head as you remembered that very day. chifuyu called you to tell you he was bleeding and you immediately asked him where he was. thanks to your skills, you bandaged him up very quickly and properly.

"don't tell me he was the one who did that to you." you said in a disbelief voice, hoping that the yellow head would tell you that it wasn't him obviously. but instead, he gave you that look. "i wish it wasn't."

your eyebrows lowered, feeling sad for your friend. "do you know why? i'm sure he would never do that in purpose."

"yes i do." he replied. "he wanted to join another gang called valhalla."

"what? he moved out of toman?" you couldn't believe your ears. "then who's replacing him?"

chifuyu gave you a blank look which made you slightly scared. to be honest, the yellownette didn't know if he should tell you who, but he didn't want to lie to you so he had to tell you.

"kisaki. kisaki tetta."

you tensed up on the words as your face froze on the words that came out of chifuyu's mouth. 'isn't he the guy who went to my house two weeks ago?' you covered your mouth as you realized that it was the same guy.

"you alright y/n?" you felt hands on your shoulders that brought you back to reality. "please tell me what's wrong." you could hear him panicking. he really is concerned for you.

and since chifuyu was always honest with you, you always wanted to be honest with him too— even though you didn't want to tell him.

"i had a visitor two weeks ago." you replied looking down, feeling ashamed that you didn't tell him earlier. but instead of feeling disappointed, chifuyu placed two of his fingers on your chin and lifted your face up.

"you can tell me, i'll be willing to listen to you." he replied, making you feel relieved.

"he visited my house with his mother because our moms were old friends." you continued. "he was threatening to say the least. it's like he wanted to kidnap me or something."

"was it kisaki?" chifuyu snooped in.

you didn't want to say yes, so you just nodded.

but instead of being mad, chifuyu gave out a sigh as a smile escaped his lips.

"it's alright. you have me." he hugged you tight as you felt flustered on the feeling that he was too near you. "you have me, baji and the rest of toman to protect you."

"baji?" you questioned as chifuyu pulled back. "i know you might think he betrayed us but i know that he didn't. he would never." chifuyu reassured you.

"he would never leave us. he would never leave toman no matter what." chifuyu added as he caressed your hair.

"like me y/n." he smiled as you felt your heart beat even faster. "i would never leave you..." he paused as he stared on your (e/c) eyes.

"no matter what."


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my notes for this book are so messy help—

but tysm everyone for 5.21k reads!!! hope you could vote/comment and share!!!


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