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'So happy endings do exist.'


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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"chifuyu-kun." takemichy called as the duo were tasked to do some errands by mikey, specifically to buy him dorayaki. the green-eyed male tilted his head, waiting for his companion to continue. "about l/n...."

"is this one of your future telling again?" chifuyu asked as he looked down towards the road. and yes he does know about takemichy's time leaping ability, he's the only one who knows about it. "please tell me it's something good."

takemichy couldn't spare a glance on his friend's devastating state. he already knew about his bestfriend's baji's future whereabouts about leaving toman to be in valhalla in a few months but he couldn't do anything much for now.

the green-eyed delinquent just hopes that at least your future wouldn't be as bad. he never wanted to lose you, it was his fault that he brought you to his world. a world of gangs and dangerous activity. he didn't want you to be affected badly by it and takemichy clearly knew that.

the troubled blonde didn't know what else to do but lie. if he told chifuyu that you are married to kisaki in the future, he might do something that he would regret.

but if he told him the idea that he had thought of just right now, then it might help push chifuyu a little bit in hopes that his plan of keeping you both together will succeed.

"don't worry chifuyu-kun..." takemichy gulped as he saw his friend's face softened with a glint of hope. he didn't want to lie to him at all, but he had to. "you and her will be together in the future...married even."

as soon as he said those words, chifuyu cheerfully smiled as he placed his arm around takemichy's shoulders and messing up his hair playfully.

a sound of genuine happiness escaped from his lips.

"you should've told me sooner takemichy, that's the best thing i could've ever heard today."

the blonde cheerfully chuckled as takemichy sweat dropped. "y-yeah i should have."

"you should make sure to take care of her chifuyu...." takemichy said in a pitiful voice as he remembered the picture of you and kisaki married, he felt awfully bad for you. "never let her go, no matter what alright?"

chifuyu spared his friend a glance, why was takemichy nervous in saying all of this? but he decided not to pry, he's just happy that you were going to be his very soon.

"i would never."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

the two of you were currently in his room, sitting on his chair as he sat on the one across the table in front of you. you both decided to do your homework together.

you were looking at the instruction of the paper intently, chifuyu as well, but not on the paper, but to you instead. you were placing your knuckles on your chin as your eyes glued on the math equations on your paper. chifuyu took this time to admire your cute face without you knowing.

'is she really going to be mine?' he couldn't believe in that thought, it was like a dream that he could never reach. but a smile went up to his face.

dreams do come true after all. but sadly he didn't know that when people wake up, that's when they realize that their dream is something not real.

and that it was all fake.

you ducked under the table after feeling something soft nuzzle on your foot, alarming chifuyu as well. you both looked down the table as you looked at a small black feline.

"chifuyu you have a cat?!" you gleamingly said as you patted his pet as it started to lick your hand. chifuyu on the other hand was surprised of his pet's actions.

"yeah, his name is peke j. i'm surprised he actually likes you, he's usually shy around strangers." chifuyu leaned closer to you as he patted his pet who instead went on top of your lap. "scratch that, he probably loves you now."

you softly giggled as you continued to pat its head. the thought of you and chifuyu under the table instead of doing your homework was cute to you. "i'll be your cat momma then." you spoke to peke j.

you then noticed chifuyu looking away but decided not to ask him about it. in truth, the boy was just blushing a lot since he always talked to peke j about finding him a mom to complete his little 'family.'

he glanced at you as he witnessed your interaction with his beloved pet, how happy he was that he was getting closer to you.

and how excited he was when he knew that you were to be his in the near future...and that it'll be just you and him...with your baby cats and probably real ones as well.

'so happy endings do exist.' he thought smilingly.

' he thought smilingly

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are you sure about that chifuyu 👀🥴

but thank y'all for 1.88K reads! <3 story time the other day i fell on the road of our subdivision while running to catch my dog, now im left with two bruises on my left leg 😃 I'll now project my pain in this book now jkjk 🌚🌝


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