010 - race

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"Operation, get chifuyu with l/n commence!'

"Operation, get chifuyu with l/n commence!'

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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

[12 years to the future...]

"what? are you really sure about that naoto?!" takemichy couldn't comprehend the words that the younger boy just said. "if ever y/n gets married, i thought it would be chifuyu."

exactly, why did you guys marry kisaki 😭

naoto gave out a sigh of frustration before sitting back in his desk, rummaging through the old files he had about you. you were one of the people he placed great time and effort to investigate on since you were kisaki's wife. he didn't know you had a past with toman since you kept your identity well hidden.

"i honestly don't think she wanted this marriage too. rumors said that it was forced, but it was never confirmed." naoto leaned back on his chair, thinking of what to do. takemichy nodded in agreement.

"while you get back, i'll try my best to contact her. for now, please keep an eye on her takemichy, she's someone we can't ignore." naoto went back to his knees as he closed his eyes and went towards the anxious ravenette.

"good luck takemichy, it's up to you now." naoto opened his eyes and let out his hand as takemichy couldn't do anything else but agree and do his best. he huffed before letting his hand out as well.

"see you soon naoto." the two shook their hands as once again, takemichy goes back in time to the past.

[back to the present]

it was currently evening as the sound of rigging motorcycles and loud yells echoed throughout the street. like mikey said, there was going to be a race today.

all the motorbikes were placed horizontally on the road, a total of seven players.

you were currently on the side of the street, looking around for chifuyu and baji too. after meeting with the founding members and the twins awhile ago, you decided to join the afternoon classes since you skipped the morning ones.

your mom called you since she was told you were absent. you decided to tell her the truth that you were with chifuyu and surprisingly she lit up and told you it was alright since she'll come up with an excuse for the school not to punish you.

it has been a few hours after that, so you were currently waiting for chifuyu to give him a 'good luck' as he was one of the people who will be joining the race.

"y/n-chin you came!" an excited voice was heard from behind as the one and only mikey greeted you a smile. draken, mitsuya, baji, the twins walked right after him.

"of course! as promised." you replied in the same happy tone as you subtly glanced behind them, finding a particular yellow head. the six of them chuckled as they knew what you were doing and who you were finding. after countless of convincing, he finally agreed to ask you.

"l/n." his gentle and shy voice found its way to your ears as you looked behind and saw a bashful blonde. a soft tint of pink was on his cheeks as he slowly drifted his emerald green eyes towards yours. "yes chifuyu?"

and as on cue, the six other boys from behind left you both for some privacy, hoping to tease the poor flustered chifuyu later when they get the chance.

"can you... go with me?" he asked shyly to which made you feel giddy from the cuteness.

"go where chifuyu?"

"like...accompany me in the race?" he could no longer hide his anxiousness as he closed his eyes, expecting you to reject his offer. you two just became friends recently and yet he was becoming a little too close too quickly. but for you of course, you didn't mind at all.

instead of replying, you pulled his hand as you directed him to the motorbikes. the startled boy became completely bashful as his other friends chuckled on the interaction.

you both arrived at the second to the left motorbike as chifuyu helped you up the vehicle. baji, who was on the motorbike on your left, chuckled as he saw you and chifuyu getting on the bike.

'can't wait to see these two grow old together.'

you sure about that baji 😃

"ready, on your mark." chifuyu then looked at you as he tilted his head, signaling you to hold unto him.

the moment you placed your arms around his waist, he immediately looked forward as the blush pink hue overcame his face. the rest of the boys laughed at the sight. "get set."

"be ready l/n, i am going to go really fast. So hold on." chifuyu tease-fully said as you nodded and gulped.

"go!" and right when the whistle was blown, almost immediately all the motorbikes vanished towards the road.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"i won! now give me all your money for me to buy some dorayaki!" mikey jumped out of his bike as he closed his eyes while putting his arms on his hips. "including you y/n."

"ehhh?" you replied with a confused face, "l/n doesn't need to pay you, but if she has to, then i'll pay on her behalf." chifuyu butted in,  bringing a couple of his money bills to mikey but to which you held his hand and pushed away."no chifuyu, Ill do it."

"i asked you to go with me y/n, i should be the one who will do it."

"no chifuyu i wanted t-"

"they're really acting like a couple, why didn't they last?" a curious blonde who was no other than takemichy asked himself as he looked at the both of you and chifuyu from afar.

just then a plan ran into his mind, he knew the exact way for that not to happen. since he didn't know the reason why you and chifuyu didn't last, his only solution for now was to make sure you two would be together, at least for another twelve years.

'operation, get chifuyu with l/n commence!'

'operation, get chifuyu with l/n commence!'

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can't wait for you guys to read what i have in store for this book 🙈🤩
just know it will be kinda emotional 👁👄👁

thank you for 1.49k reads !!! <333


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