008 - jacket

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'meet me in the rooftop, miss pretty manga girl;)'

'meet me in the rooftop, miss pretty manga girl;)'

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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"ughhhh!" you assertively placed chifuyu's jacket inside a small eco bag. thinking of giving it back to him later when you see him in the manga cafe where he would always show up.

although you loved his and his friends' presence, you needed to not meddle yourselves too much into their lives. you were scared of involving yourselves in their business especially that they were in a well known gang.

but aside from that you couldn't help but groan since you were seeing him first in school again. you didn't want to be friends with "school" chifuyu. you already knew how he was like.

"y/n!" your mom's cheery voice called you as she came from the kitchen. small spots of cookie mix were found all over her hair, most likely from using the mixer. your mother doesn't know how to use it for some reason.

but although the smell from the freshly baked cookies filled your nose as you almost started to drool. "mom can i ask one?!" you yelled back as you ran towards her as she was placing the cookies on a tupperware.

looking at the cookie sheets, she baked a dozen ones. "are those for me?!" you gleamingly asked as she properly packed all the cookies up. you tried getting one but instead of getting a cookie, you received a spank.

"ahhh!" you pulled out your hand, touching the pinkish part that hurt. your mom then looked at you with a glare as she placed the tupperware of freshly baked chocolate cookies in a small eco bag.

"these are best eaten warm so give them to your boyfriend once you reach school." she said strictly, handing it to you.

"w-wait mom why do we have to give him and what do you mean boyfriend?!" you asked in an irritated tone. "can't i just give it to him later in the cafe as well?"

"no no you should give it to him once you arrive at school, it tastes better! and i, as the future mother-in-law of this b-"

"mom!!!" you looked at her intently as she gave you a smirk. "y/n even though he treats you differently in school, he's still the same guy."

"okay fine." you sighed as you couldn't refute any further.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

you arrived early in the morning in class with just a few students walking around the classroom. deciding not to give it to chifuyu directly to avoid any further interaction, you placed the eco bag on his seat.

seeing him right now and giving him the cookies looking like a simp or a fan girl would be the last you wanted to do. although seeing you across the screen i know you are one:)

you sighed in relief that you didn't have to give it to him directly. you decided to hang in the school's garden while waiting for classes to start. looking at the flowers as they flutter below the glittering rays of sunlight.

you sat on a bench as you saw some students eating their breakfast probably in a nearby table. seeing a plate of omi rice on their table, you couldn't help but chuckle since it reminded you of chifuyu's scrambled egg-like hair back in middle school.

but while giving yourself a time to relax, a vigorous sound coming from your phone snapped you back to reality. a frown was then plastered on your face as you took it from your bag.

"mom?" you read the caller's name. 'why is she calling me?' you asked yourself for a moment before answering the call.

"hello mom, why are you calling?" you asked in a sweet tone, not wanting to be in bad terms with her ever again. "y/n didn't i tell you to give him the cookies?" she asked in a slightly menaced voice making you gulp. but aside from what she referred to chifuyu, the whole statement itself made you panic.

"wait what do you mean mom? i already left the eco bag on his table?!" you bit the side of your lip as anxiousness grew into you. you nervously looked back and fourth on the flowers in front of you, diverting your attention towards them.

"y/n you brought the wrong bag. you probably brought the one with the jacket." a spark of realization then came to your mind as your eyes widened on the thought. 'what the-'

"mom i need to go i love you bye!" you abruptly ended the call. prepare for a whole sesh of scolding later:)

running towards the third floor all the way down the hallway to your beloved classroom. there was still fifteen minutes before class, you could still get the bag back and hide it somewhere else.

"i really need to run more." you panted excessively as you leaned on the wall near your classroom's door. chifuyu was no where to be found so it gave you a glimpse of hope.

but before you were about to feel relieved, to your dismay you noticed that the very bag you placed on his seat....

was gone 😃

'what the- anaksksla'

dashing immediately to his seat as if your life was depending on it, your eyes laid on a piece of paper right above his table.

'meet me in the rooftop, miss pretty manga girl;)'

'meet me in the rooftop, miss pretty manga girl;)'

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hope you enjoyed! thank you for 807 reads!!<3


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