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After the cave in had ceased, Raph and Louie were finishing off all those robots that were still online and twitching. After finding one such individual, Raph angrily stamped its head inside with his foot while Louie spotted one that had lost its leg and was limping away. The turtle in black quickly went after it and picked the robot up from its remaining leg before he ran his blade through its head, destroying it.

By the time Raph and Louie had finished off the remaining invaders, Mikey, Domenico and Artemisia were observing one destroyed robot in their feet.

"Nasty little things!" Artemisia commented with disgust.

"You say it, sister." Mikey replied without taking his eyes off from the robot's remains. "But what the shell are those things?"

Raph and Louie soon joined the trio to observe the remains of the robot.

"Well, if you ask me, judging by the looks of them..." Louie started.

"They're now nothing but..." Raph continued, before he kicked the remains of the robot aside. "...A PIECE OF JUNK!"

However, all of their attentions were drawn by Leo's voice, while he was with Donnie and Mary searching for Splinter from the pile or rubble.

"Guys! A little focus here, please! We gotta find Splinter! He must be here somewhere!" Leo said while desperately moving away the rocks and other rubble.

"Let's hope so, Leo." Mary said, though she feared that the worst has already happened, because the cave in had destroyed a huge part of the their lair.

The center of the destruction was mostly there where those robots had managed to corner Splinter, so the cave in had sealed him to the other side of the lair and had probably left him with no space to move nor any cover against the rain of falling rocks. Even though their master was already an experienced ninja master, Mary knew that even ninja is powerless against the nature's powers, though this disaster was deliberately caused rather than natural.

"Splinter? Master Splinter! Can you hear me?!" Leo called for him yet again.

Seconds passed but there was no answer.

"Donatello. Anyway to..." Leo started, turning to Donnie, until he was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of the opening device, which was then followed by the repeating beeps.

"What are you doing?" Leo questioned, turning to Donnie, who was holding the mobile phone-looking device which appearance resembled the turtle's shell.

"Remember my latest invention? The Shell-cell. I'm calling to master Splinter... or at least I hope." Donnie replied before lifting the Shell-cell in next of his ear.

"Uh, Donnie? You know that Sensei's not very good with today's technology. Are you sure that he knows how to answer to the call... if he even managed to make it through of that?" Domenico questioned.

"Like is said, Dom... I hope." Donnie said.

Some seconds passed and eventually turned into the minutes... while Donnie's Shell-cell kept beeping. The turtles held their breath while awaiting for their father to answer to his Shell-cell... hopefully.

Until after a few tensed minutes...

"Hmm, which button do you press to answer this thing? Hello?" Master Splinter called from the other side of the line after the beeping stopped.

Everybody around Donnie's Shell-cell gasped in shock at hearing their master's voice. Then the wide and relieved smiles appeared on their faces after learning that that their master was still alive.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now