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=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003=
=Meet Casey Jones Part 4=

It didn't take long from the turtles to arrive to the Central Park.

"And ladies and gentleturtles, on your left is Central Park, 843 acres of landscaped beauty in the center of the city. Thank you for choosing Airturtle." Donnie informed, sounding like some kind of tour guide or airplane pilot.

A bit bored Raph then turned to look outside through the barred window, until...

"HEY! THERE HE IS!" he cried in alarm and pointed outside.

Each turtle looked to the left and saw Casey passing them in the blue motorbike, ignoring the turtles' from outside an unusual-looking armored car that drove in the street. After driving past them, Casey turned from the next road junction to the left and drove into the park.

"Are you sure that's the guy who kicked Louie's and yours shells severely yesterday?" Dom questioned.

"Well, quite hard to forget him after what he did to us!" Louie said, touching his still swollen eye. "And I'm so tempted to give that whacko such of favor that he won't be able to sit for a week!"

Both Raph and Louie hurried to Donnie.

"Floor it, Don! Keep up with him!" Raph shouted.

"Yeah! We can't let that whacko to get away again!" Louie added, unable to hold back his uncontrollable desire to settle some scores filled the turtle in black.

"I'm sorry, guys, but the Battle Shell is too big and heavy to keep up with something small and fast like the motorbike. Besides, the entrances in this side of the park are too narrow for the Battle Shell to fit through. I have to find another and more spacious way into the park." Donnie apologized.

"We have no time for that! There gotta be some way to stop that hothead!" Raph demanded.

"And settle some scores!" Louie added once again with determination.

"Then why don't you two go and beat him in his own game? You see, I've whipped up something small for you two. It's in the back." Donnie said as he pointed to behind.

A curious, Raph and Louie moved to the backside of the Battle Shell and gasped in amazement at the sight of two heavy motorcycles with turbo boosts, one of which was painted bright red, just like the color of Raph's mask, and another was painted avocado green, the tune of Louie's skin's color, with the black flame paints.

You like them? They're specifically designed for the daredevil use, meaning, for you two alone." Donnie said from the front, with the proud grin. "I call them 'The Shell Cycles!'"

"If you call something like this small, then you're not the techno-geek Donatello I know and love!" Louie shouted in joy and eagerness, as he jumped onto the back of his own bike and put the Avocado green helmet on his head.

"Yeah, Donatello! You're the turtle!" Raph praised as he too took the red helmet and put it on his head before he jumped onto his bike's back.

The turtles in red and black then exchanged the determined looks and winked with each other through of their helmets' wind screens.

"Ready, bro?" Raph asked from his brother.

"Readier than ever!" Louie replied with the thump up.

The turtles in red and black then revved up their engines and prepared themselves for the ride.

"Now, let's rock and... TURTLEIZE!" the turtles bellowed in unison as they ignited their bikes turbo boosters at the same time and shot out the back doors of the Battle Shell and hit the streets... in biker turtles' style.(1)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now