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=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003=
=Meet Casey Jones Part 2=

Later, Louie had left from the lair to look for Raph, without Master Splinter's permission even after he had informed him why he was going.

The turtle in black had exited from the sewers through of the manhole in the alleyway and then climbed up to the rooftops, where Louie was running along the roofs and leaping/flipping over the small and wide gaps between the buildings with ease. If Louie was out here merely out of having a leisure time, he would've enjoyed of this as one of those rare moments when he was able to get to visit in the topside and have a little run around. However, he was here only to find his absent hotheaded brother, whom be believed to be still sulking in shame from the shocking events earlier today in somewhere where the human eye would not easily detect him.

On his way, Louie paid a several short-lasting stops to the edges of the buildings to check out every dark alley he walked past.

He checked each of the abandoned and empty wooden water towers he came across.

He thoroughly went through all the abandoned buildings from the roof to the basement.

He did not leave any dark place unchecked.

However, despite his efforts since leaving the sewers, the turtle in black wasn't able to find his brother for several hours.

"C'mon, brother! Where are you?" Louie muttered in growing frustration.

Louie nonetheless kept searching, not wanting to give up yet.

A little later, the turtle in black jumped off the edge of the roof and landed onto the railing of the fire escape beneath the edge. Louie then crouched down and looked down into the dark alley to see that was Raph down there.

Like in every other dark alleyway he'd checked earlier, he wasn't here neither.

But instead of finding Raph, however, Louie noticed that there was someone else in the alley, and immediately realized that something was going on down there.

A red-haired woman in the brown coat and purse on her shoulder was walking all alone in the dark alley, nervously looking around.

However, she soon gasped when two tough-looking men emerged out of the alley's shadows, blocking the woman's path.

Louie recognized these two immediately: Purple Dragons whom they'd met back in that alley during of their first journey to the topside!

The larger one of two had the blue dyed face, purple dyed Mohawk on top of the head, a black shirt, a green pants with purple braces and the S-shaped Dragon symbol in his pants. Another one had the tan skin, a cap sideways on his head, yellow and white shirt with the purple sleeves - and S-shaped Dragon in it - and the grey cargo pants.

"Blue-face and Cap-head?" Louie muttered.

The woman backed away from the Dragons in fear, until she bumped into a third tough-looking guy, whom Louie recognized as well. This one had the upright and orange spiky hair and chin beard, green goggles on his forehead, a green shirt atop of which was a black vests with two dragons branded on it.

All three surrounded the woman, cutting her escape from the alley.

"Oh, no!" the woman gulped.

"Hand over the purse, lady and we won't hurt you. Too much..." the Spiky-head Dragon demanded threateningly.

"No! Please... Leave me alone!" the woman pleaded, but the Dragon goons laughed at the woman's pleas.

Blue-face and Cap-head then grabbed the woman by her arms to hold her still, while the Spiky-head grabbed the purse and snatched it out of her hands.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now