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After leaving the lair to search for both Raph and Louie and confront these invisible ninjas, the team had split into two groups. Mikey, Arcee and Casey had headed to the warehouse to get the Battle Shell before hitting to the New York's streets, while Leo, Donnie, Mary and Dom were riding with the Sewer Slider along the tunnels. Using Donnie's scanner and the Battle Shell's tracker that was locked on the signals in their missing family members' Shell cells, the turtles and Casey tried to figure it out where they brothers were and what tunnels they were using to get back home.

Leo was driving the Sewer Slider, with Mary sitting on the passenger's seat while Donnie and Dom were hanging on in the back, with Donie keeping an eye on the screen of his scanner, where the beeping blimps were still on.

After some time, the blimps on the screen started to get brighter and beep even more rapidly. A smile appeared on Donnie's face.

"Leo! The signals are getting stronger! We're starting to get closer! It also looks like that Raph and Louie are taking the shortcut to the drainage junction which should be just on the other side of this block, if my memory doesn't play tricks on me." Donnie informed to Leo.

Leo then turned to Dom.

"Domenico? Let Mikey, Arcee and Casey know that we found them." Leo requested.

Dom nodded to his brother and made contact with Mikey via the goggles' radio.

"Mikey? It's Dom. We found Raph and Louie, or at least figured out where they're going to take the shortcut." the turtle in white informed.

However, all he heard in the other end of the line was the loud rock music and someone patting his hands against something like the drum along the tune.

"What the shell? Mikey? Did you got distracted by the temptation to play the rock music again?" Dom asked in annoyance.

"Don't blame me, bro." Mikey defended through the radio, with clear irritation in his voice. "It was Casey who got distracted by the temptation to tamper with MY rock musics!"

"Knock it off, bonehead!" Arcee's voice said sharply to Casey in the radio, which was followed by the sound of SLAP! The turtle in pink had presumably slapped Casey in the arm to make him focus on the mission in the hand.

"Yeah! Mind to keep your fingers off from my musics and focus on the mission in the hand, please?!" Mikey added.

Dom couldn't help but roll his eyes after hearing what Mikey had just said to Casey.

"Look who's talking." the turtle in white muttered, remembering all those times when either he or someone of his brothers and sisters had said exactly the same words to Mikey for so many times when the turtle in orange himself got distracted by the temptations.

A moment later, the rock music was eventually turned off in the Battle Shell's radio.

"Aw, man!" Casey groaned.

"So..." Mikey said, resuming his conversation with Dom. "You were saying?"

Dom immediately repeated to Mikey, telling at the same time to Arcee and Casey, everything he had said a moment ago before continuing.

"Their shortcut is located in the drainage junction, which is, according to Donnie, on the other side of this block and we're already heading that way. Leo wants you guys to head to this block and to the following address, from where you should find your way down to the drainage junction easily after descending down the manhole." the turtle in white instructed.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now