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Angel told to the turtles that day after their encounter back in that alley, Casey had followed her into the Purple Dragons' fighting club, though she had not a clue that how Casey had managed to get past the guards undetected. She also told to the green ninjas that while she was fighting in the fighting ring, that was part of the initiation before becoming an official member of the Purple Dragons, Casey had revealed his vigilante-identity in middle of the hordes of the Dragons when he rushed in the ring to save her from getting clobbered from behind. Casey had managed to get her out of there, but he was caught himself, got beaten up before he was chained and locked up into the holding cell in the basement of the club. Angel finally told to the turtles that she had overheard about the Dragons' plans to have the event called "a smackdown contest" in their club tonight. Guilt-ridden and almost in tears, Angel had added that the Dragons were keeping Casey alive so that they could offer him "as a grand prize" for the winner of the contest, so that the Dragons can either beat him up badly or maybe even kill him as a payback for his years lasted vigilante-action against them.

Convinced by Angel's story, due to them having earlier feared something like this to be about to happen after Casey went after Angel, and now recognizing her fully as a friend, the turtles had hurried into the Battle Shell and took off to the streets... heading to the Dragons fighting club to rescue their vigilante-friend.

Angel had offered to come along with them, wanting to help Casey from the trouble she herself had got him into. The turtles had initially refused to allow her to come, not wanting her to put herself into harm's way now that she had changed her mind about joining the Purple Dragons and having turned her back on them. However, Angel had insisted to come, pointing out that the Dragons don't know about her defection yet and that the turtles needed her help to get inside of the club undetected.

Louie and Raph were the first turtles to acknowledge Angel's help and helped her to convince most of the other turtles to take Angel with them on the mission despite the risks.

As usually, Dom was the last turtle to reluctantly acknowledge Angel's help. The turtle in white tried firmly and even stubbornly to forbid Angel from coming with them on a mission. Dom had also tried to ask Leo for support in this, but Leo, on the other hand, was convinced of Angel's reasoning and had allowed the teenage girl to come along, albeit on the condition that he stay close to them throughout the mission and not take unnecessary risks... for her own safety.

Grateful for them allowing her to come along, Angel gave them her word, though she added quickly that they did not need to worry about her because she was capable to take care of herself. With that, the other turtles welcomed her on the mission with open arms, but Dom was left in complete dismay over this.

"Oh, make the turtle soup out of me." the turtle in white had groaned in defeat.

Donnie had taken the wheel, as Leo took the passenger's seat. Angel was allowed to sit at the computer desk seat while Arcee was sitting in the opposite chair. The rest of the turtles took the remaining seats and benches from the back.

On their way towards the Dragon's den, the turtles had decided to tell to Angel how they met up with Casey for the first time. The turtles also told Angel how they had successfully helped Casey in his anger problems, taught him the secrets of self-control, and thus prevented him from lowering himself to the same level where the Dragons themselves were.

The turtles had also pointed out to Angel that by turning her back on the life the Dragons lived and by giving up dreams to become one of them, she had just prevented herself from lowering herself to the Dragons' level and instead turned towards the better future. It was the decision the turtles wholeheartedly congratulated her for.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now