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It's a heavy rain storm in New York city, with the thunder rumbling in the dark rain clouds that covered the sky. The camera then descends from the sky and stops to the opened manhole on the street, into where across the street running rain water was dripping.

In the sewers, three rats were standing on the edge of the walkway doing their own business. One rat was merely standing still and sniffing the air, another one in the middle of the trio was gnawing something it had found as its food and the third was scratching itself.

My name is Donatello. And now we're gonna have a demonstration of something that leaves me both fascinated and gross out.

Everything seemed to be a peaceful and quiet, until the sudden loud noise coming from other side of the wall alerted the rats.

Before they could move, through of the brick wall popped out the head of the robot similar to those that had destroyed the turtles' old lair. And as it popped its head through the wall with its mouth wide open, it locked its jaws around of the third rat in the middle between of its jaws, capturing it. The robot held the squirming and shrieking rodent in the firm grip in its mouth before it bit down. The rat let out the pained shriek as it was shredded to death by the buzzing saws inside of the robot's mouth, with the poor animal's blood leaking out of between the robot's metal triangle-shaped teeth. The poor animal then fell dead quiet and limp in its killer's mouth, before the robot swung its head backwards a couple-few times, devouring the rodent as whole and leaving the robot's jaws stained with its victim's blood.

After eating the rat, the robot breached through the wall and began to chase the other fleeing rats, snapping ferociously its blood-stained jaws at them as it kept hunting them.

Okay. May not look like much, but this tin toy can chomp his way through steel and concrete like Michelangelo through a pizza. You see, a bunch of these killer robots saw fit to trash our old lair and nearly turned our Sensei into robo chow like these poor rats here, twice already.

The robot roars at the fleeing rats as it starts top gain on them, snapping its jaws at their tails. However, before it can bite down to the back of another rat, an arrow flies out of the darkness and hits the robots in its eye, knocking it off its feet and shutting it down.

Then, in the tunnel's shadows hiding figure, whose eyes were glowing in the dark, stretches its three-fingered hand out of the darkness and lowers it to the ground level in front of the rats, allowing the two rodents to jump onto the figure's palm. The rats then began to climb up along the figure's arm until they reached the figure's right shoulder and settled there as if looking for safety. And once the rats were safe of the figure's shoulder, the figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing herself as a mutant ninja turtle with pink ninja mask, holding a Yumi-bow in her hand and having the frown of disapproval and disgust on her face.

It was Artemisia.

My sister Arcee, however, isn't quite approval towards this kind of stuff with these robots.

Arcee stares at the downed robot with disapproval scowl, before the turtle in pink withdrew back into the shadows with the rat.

Then we see all eight turtles running across the sewer tunnels. Donnie and Arcee were in the group's lead and were followed by Leo, Mary, Raph and Louie, while Mikey and Dom were following followed behind of the group. The turtles then arrive to the four-way tunnel system and all of them start to look around and wonder that where they should be going from there.

We're here tracking down these metallic menaces that have been seen roaming free in the sewers, trying to find out their source and the very secret of their whole existence in the first place, until we happened to have one bend on the way.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now