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Back at the ring, the butt-kicking had started between of the disguised turtles and the Dragons once the bell rang.

Raph at first lunged at Tie-thug, kicking him to the chest and knocking him down, before the turtle in red ran to the cage's wall and jumped up, grabbing from its bars and turned around. When the next thug, Blue-face, charged at him, Raph moved out of the way by flipping upwards, causing the Dragon to crash face-first into the cage's bars and knock himself out cold. Raph then threw himself off the wall to either look for a next opponent or check that how things were going on with the others.

Louie was meanwhile facing off three Dragons, Green-shirted Dragon, Fatso and Pony-tailed Dragon at the same time. All three of them had got the turtle in black surrounded from three sides and started to throw at him a series of punches. However, using his agility and wit, Louie managed to either dodge or block every one of their attacks with relative ease.

"Primitive, guys. Reeeeally primitive. Try something impressive for a change, will ya? Something like this!" Louie exclaimed as he jumped up, spun around and kicked all three Dragons away with the spin kick of his right leg. Green-shirted and Pony-tailed Dragons fell on their sides or backs to the ring's floor and remained to lie there, knocked out and moaning in pain. However, Fatso Dragon, who was standing closer of the cage's wall of all three, flew against the wall's bars with all his weight and the impact left the large round dent into the cage's wall.

"Well, I guess that the cage has took that more often than once to end up in such of condition." Louie commented.

Mary was meanwhile about to get cornered by Hulking African-American Dragon and Scar-face. Hulking African-American Dragon lunged at the turtle in turquoise in order to capture her into the crushing bear-hug, but Mary dodged him by jumping out of the corner and flipped over the Dragon before landing behind of his back. As Mary landed back on her feet, the Scar-face Dragon attacked her next and attempted to throw a punch or couple at her with his fists.

Scar-face Dragon swung one fist at Mary, but she dodged it by leaning backwards and out of the fist's way. The Dragon tried again, but the turtle in turquoise dodged under it by bowing her head down. Angry and frustrated of missing her, Scar-face attempted to throw the straight-right punch at her, but Mary knocked it aside with her left wrist before kneeing the thug in the stomach, making him gasp in pain and bent over in , however, grabbed from his X-cross belt and somersaulted backwards, pulling the thug with her and placed her legs under his stomach before kicking him off, sending the thug flying into Hulking Dragon. Both the Dragons ended up getting slammed against the cage wall, and their combined body weights left even bigger dent into it than what Fatso Dragon did, before they fell over to the floor, knocked out cold.

"I have to agree with you, Louie. And no wonder. They are too lazy to take care of the condition of their property." Mary said.

Leo was meanwhile battling the Redhead, who swung his crowbar at the turtle in blue wildly, though Leo dodged each swing rather easily. After dodging the last swing by bowing his head under it, Leo kicked the Dragon in the stomach, sending him flying away.

The Dragon with the red sunglasses attempted to ambush Leo from behind with the pipe, until Raph arrived to his brother's aid by lunging at the Dragon and kicking him in the chest with both feet, sending the Dragon tumbling over to the floor. Raph then turned around and saw the Cap-headed Dragon coming towards him from behind and threw at him several punches with his fists. Raph dodged the first and second one easily, before he unleashed a barrage of punches on the thug, causing him to wobble dizzily back for a couple steps. And as this was happening, Louie jumped on the cage's wall and pounced from it towards Raph and Cap-headed Dragon. The turtle in red crouched down as the turtle in black flew over him and kicked with his left leg the Cap-headed Dragon to the chest, knocking him off his feet and sending him flying over to the floor.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now