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=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003=
=Darkness of the Edge of the Town Part 2=

As the turtles made their way into the dark museum, they eventually found all four ninjas from the main hall that had the skylight, and where had been currently featured a Japanese exhibit, where was a lot of ancient Japanese artifacts.

However, the turtles noticed that there was something new in the group.

Though all ninjas looked identically with each others and the ones from their first encounter, with their red footprint symbols, black suits, gray vests with the shoulder pads and head-covering yellow-eyed black masks, one of the ninjas looked a quite different compared to the others.

This one seemed to be taller, standing at around 6 ft tall, slender build yet slightly more broad-shouldered than other three ninjas with him. The ninja suit this new guy wore shared closely the same design as the standard ninjas' suits, apart of having his arms, chest, neck, head and faces completely uncovered. This new ninja was bald, he had a paling skin and ash-grey eyebrows and mustache. His Japanese-like faces were hardened and formed into a stern expression that resembled a frown. He had the ninjas' blood-red three-toed footprint symbol as a tattoos in middle of his bare chest and in each of his bare shoulders. He also had three small but long and hideous-looking scars on the left side of his faces that looked like the claw marks. Two longer scars were running from the left side of his forehead to his left cheek and third one was running from between of his narrowed eyes to over of the left side of his mouth, splitting his lips. The middle wound ran across his left eye, leaving the eye damaged and thus permanently blind. This ninja carried in his back a pair of Katanas - which had a two-handed reddish brown handles' around of which had been wrapped up a black ribbons. The swords guards and pommels were golden and there was two black ribbons hanging freely from the weapons' pommels. The ninja also carried in each side on his belt a couple pairs of Tantō-daggers and he had also a Yari-spear tied in his back and over of his swords' X shaped scabbards.

All four ninjas were standing around of a display case that contained something that looked closely like Japanese Katana.

The sword's from the tip curved blade seemed to be somewhat taller and wider than what Leo's blades and its two-handed white handle was oddly decorated: Its gold trimmed pommel was curved to resemble a weird-looking head, from which a four stylized and elongated tentacle-like limbs - or something like that - began to wrap around of the handle all the way up to the weapon's guard, in which was a three somewhat banana-sized and upwards pointing curved blades in three directions.

The unmasked ninja, apparently the ring-leader, moved closer to the display case and observed the sword in the case for a moment.

"The Goblin Blade." he muttered in clear Japanese accent, before he turned to the ninjas around of him.

"We've found what we're after. Now, we must deliver this Goblin Blade to the master as soon as possible before the power comes back. Let's get to work." the unmasked ninja said sternly to the other ninjas with him.

As the turtles prepared to reveal themselves to the ninjas, whom were unaware of their presence in the same room, one of the ninjas used a device to cut a circle hole on the case's glass. And thanks to the power blackout that affected to the security and anti-theft alarm system, cutting the glass did not trigger the alarm.

The unmasked ninja then turned to the other ninja, who carried a metal glove with the same footprint symbol in the backside of it.

"You! Take the sword and let's get out of here." the unmasked ninja told him sternly.

The ninja obeyed and put the glove in his left hand and moved to grab the sword and take it out from the glass case.

However, this was the moment when the turtles revealed themselves to the ninjas, as Louie threw a Shuriken in the wooden part of the case, right in front of the ninja's faces, narrowly missing him. All four ninjas turned to the direction from where the Shuriken had came from and the ninjas saw the turtles standing in the opposite side of the hall.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now