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=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003=
=Darkness of the Edge of the Town Part 6=

The turtles eventually reached to the cannon's platform and began to climb along its scaffolding, heading to the topside, as the four technicians handling the cannon turned the device off and the whirlpool in the river closed in.

The technicians started to gather their stuff and prepared to leave - with one taking the metal glove from the platform and headed towards the sword in the device - until Leo popped his head out from the edge of the platform, surprising all four of them.

"Excuse me, boys, but there's a small matter with some stolen property we need to discuss." Leo said to the technicians with the polite but firm tone.

All four technicians gasped in shock at the sight of the giant talking turtle before their very own eyes, before they attempted to run for it, until Mary appeared to the same edge of the platform where her brother was, blocking their escape.

"And because you're apparently working for the ones who stole it, the four of you can be charged of either participating in the theft or collaborating with the thieves." the turtle in turquoise stated to the technicians.

Panicking now even more, the technicians ran to another end of the platform to get away from the turtles, until Donnie and Dom blocked their way by suddenly popping out from under of the edge.

"Dudes, you really shouldn't be playing with such dangerous toys." Donnie said jokingly to the technicians.

Raph and Louie then appeared beside their brothers.

"So we suggest that the four of you surrender, or face some mean-in-green!" Louie demanded the technicians, pointing his Butterfly sword at them.

The technicians, however, ran off in a different direction to get away from the platform and the turtles, until Mikey and Arcee popped out from under of another corner of the platform, blocking the technicians' last escape route.

"ARR, landlubbers! Prepare to be boarded or we'll put you to walk on plank" Mikey growled to the technicians in the pirate-style, making Arcee to stare at him in puzzlement. The turtle in pink then rolled her eyes at her brother.

"You've been watching too much of pirate films, have you?" Arcee asked her brother with the frown.

The technicians soon realized that they were surrounded from all directions by eight giant talking turtles, who had the advantage over them in numbers and they apparently were not gonna let them get away from the platform so easily.

So, at least half of them decided to fight back to get out of here.

Two technicians pulled out from the small bags in their belts something that resembled somewhat brass knuckles, except that they had two barrels in them. One of those two techs then turned to Donnie, Dom, Raph and Louie while the other one turned to Mary, Mikey and Arcee before they began to point them down at the turtles.

The techs began to shoot the blue beams of lasers from their weird-looking guns at the turtles.

"THESE GUYS HAVE A LASER GUNS?! WOW!" Mikey exclaimed in surprise and shock, before he ducked down beneath the edge of the platform, narrowly dodging the beam that smoothly cut the corner off from the platform like the knife cuts a warm butter.

Before the tech could shoot at Mikey again, Mary lunged forward at the technician and swung her Naginata towards his "laser-gun" to knock it out of his hand. However, the tech noticed her coming and turned around to shoot her instead, thus resulting Mary to miss her original target and ending up to accidentally slice the man's arm off.(1)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now