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There's a gloomy and rather ominous stormy night over New York City, with the lightnings slashing across the sky.

In the city, all eight turtles were standing on the rooftop of the abandoned warehouse with the wide skylight in middle of it. In the opposite side of them was standing about sixteen ninjas, the same ninjas with that blood-red three-toed ninja-symbol they've been fighting with lately, led by their old scar-faced acquaintance, Tatsu, and Jennika, who was wearing her black yellow-eyed ninja mask on.

My name is Marietta. And tonight, we have made another run-in with our old ninja pals from our previous encounters during of these last few months, not the mention about our old scar-faced acquaintance, Tatsu, and this Kunoichi standing alongside him whom we've never met before.

The turtles drew out their weapons and readied themselves for the battle.

How we got into this mess, it's a pretty long story, but this istuation reminds me about what Master Splinter has constantly been telling us in our ninja training: When given two choices, always choose the harder path.

Tatsu, Jennika and the ninjas then moved to the sides, revealing from behind them a tall man with a silver ancient Japanese samurai armor, with the gauntlets armed with a hand-length Tekkō-kagi claws in each hand, large black cape floating in the blowing wind and Kabuto-helmet, which covered the man's faces, showing only the man's red eyes.

The turtles glared at the man they were most obviously soon going to fight.

Some people usually want to choose the easiest path to avoid all the trouble of effort and hardships if possible. And in the situation like this, I'd understand why. But somehow, if you're a ninja, or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, the harder path always seems to choose you... even against your own will.

The armored man raised his arms up as the lightning intensified ominously, before he let out a maniacal laughter.



A couple weeks later after the conflict with the Garbageman.

Today the turtles were training in their lair's Dōjō: Leo was training with Raph, Donnie was training with Louie, Mikey was training with Mary and Arcee was training with Dom.

On the red carpet, Leo and Raph had a bitter duel. Raph swiftly and constantly swung both his Sais at Leo, who in turn managed to block his brother's each strike with the single Katana. Raph also tried in some point send the roundhouse kick at the turtle in blue's head or sweep the legs off from under, but with his quick reflexes, Leo managed to avoid the former by leaning backwards out of the kick's way and the latter with the sideways flip before landing back on his feet to the ground. However, Raph managed one time get through of Leo's defenses by moving with his Sais Leo's Katana out of the way, before he then kicked his brother in the unprotected stomach, sending him stumbling back a little.

Louie was doing exactly the same as Raph, constantly swinging his Butterfly swords at Donnie. However, the turtle in purple resorted to dodge the turtle in black's attacks and teasingly whacked Louie to the knuckles, back of the hands, top of his head, shoulders, chest, thighs, and feet with the quick yet snappy blows with both ends of his Bo-staff at each round. Louie tried once to lunge at Donnie and had pulled his Butterfly swords back before pulling them forward to stab his brother. However, Donnie dodged them by spinning around and out of the blade's way, before he swung his staff at Louie's butt, giving a snappy blow there and making the turtle in black jump into the air and yelp in pain.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now