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Underwater of the river beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, Donnie and Mary, both having some sort of night vision goggles on, were swimming side-by-side towards the surface while holding their breaths.

"My name is Marietta, and right now I'm learning just how long me and Donnie can hold our breaths."

The turtles in purple and turquoise then broke the surface, gasping for breath and spitting salt water out of their mouths. The turtles then swam to the docks, climbed up onto one and quickly moved into the shadows. Once there, Donnie and Mary zoomed their goggles in at the opposite dock, where they saw some weird-looking cannon shooting a beam of a blue-white energy waves into the river, creating a large whirlpool in the water.

"See that weird-looking cannon over there? That device is seriously messing up the East River. And if this keeps up, the the dock under of the cannon will crumble..."

Mary zooms closer in and notices that the dock beneath the cannon was starting to crumble threateningly due to the violent vibration.

"...the cannon and its destructive energy beam may escape from control and the whole South Street Seaport could go crumbling into the water."

Donnie and Mary keep observing the cannon from their dock from the shadows.

"Donnie would be fascinated by this technology for sure, but there's only one problem why he can't right now. That problem is..."

A four shadows suddenly appear in front of them, causing the turtles to turn around and look up to see whose shadows they were. Seeing them, the turtles gasped in surprise.

"...that there happens to be some not-so-legal things going on here that don't want both snoopers or witnesses."

The turtles realized that the shadows belonged to the four ninjas standing on top of the building. Worst, they were the same ninjas, or at least the other ones in similar ninja suits like the ones they had encountered in that alley about a month ago.

"And now, both me and Donnie are gonna have a demonstration of the gruesome fate of unwanted snoopers and witnesses."

The ninjas stare down at the turtles with the swords and Naginatas in hands. Then the two leapt down to attack the turtles!


=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003=
=Darkness of the Edge of the Town Part 1=

One and half week later since facing off with Nanobot.

A midnight time in the topside of New York city was peaceful - but in the sewers, not so peaceful as the turtles were enjoying their free time - with the turtle-style.

Mikey was skateboarding along the long round-shaped pipe with the rapid speed.

"He is the Alpha dog! The thrashmister! The undisputed God of the half-pipe!" Mikey said with the grin.

WHOO-HOO!" the turtle in orange cheered out as he flipped sideways around before landing back onto his skateboard.

Arcee and Raph chased the turtle in orange right behind; Raph on the pair of red roller blades and Arcee on the pair of pink roller-skates.

"Half-pipe? What do you mean with the half-pipe, bro?" Arcee questioned, as she skated as fast as she could to keep up with Raph, who was a way ahead of her.

"Who cares, sis?!" Raph dismissed. "We got the whole pipe! AH HA HA HA HAA!" he laughed.

"WHOO-HOO! YEAH! HA HAA!" Raph laughed as he rode around a full circle of the tunnel.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now