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Author's note: Warning. This is the longest chapter ever so far.

Later, once Leo and Mary had got inside the Battle Shell, Donnie had driven the vehicle to much safer place where they could catch their breath and think of their next move without the fear of being discovered by the Foot. And during of their way, Arcee took another look at Mikey's, Louie's and Dom's injuries. Afterwards she had told to Mikey and Dom that their sprained ankle and arm should be alright in about a week or so. However, in the case of Louie's injuries, the turtle in pink had apologetically said that it takes much longer from him to heal than his brothers. According to Arcee's calculation, it would take from four to six weeks or maybe a few months, depending on the severety of his injuries, much to Louie's chargin.

After parking the Battle Shell to the safer spot, all the turtles gathered together in the back, all too happy to be back together after spending the whole night apart and trying to survive from the Foot's relentless manhunt on them.

"Good to see you again, Leo and Mary." Mikey said happily, while sitting on the chair, having put his injured leg over his other knee.

"And we're glad to see that all of you are fine too." Mary said, wrapping her arm around Arcee, who responded by hugging her big sister back.

"You tell me, sis." Donnie agreed, while having wrapped his right arm over Leo's shoulders. "We were all pretty worried." the turtle in opurple admitted.

"So, are we safe now?" Arcee asked, eyeing nervously towards the barred window of the Battle Shell, thinking that at any moment someone with the yellow-eyed black ninja-mask would peek inside the Battle Shell through of the bars. "Could Foot find us from here?"

"Don't you worry, sis." Donnie said assuringly as he let go of Leo and turned to Arcee. "I drove us a few blocks away from the area where Foot is still looking for us. And when they finally get here, which I reckon will be two hours, twenty-three minutes and sixteen seconds after the first lights of the dawn. And by that time we'll be already out of here and far away from their reach... in theory."

"Well, anyway, my children." Master Splinter said as he came to his children, who all turned to him. "What matters now, is that you're all safe."

However, after saying those worse, Splinter unexpectedly raised his hand and slapped every turtle hard on the right cheek, making them all yelp in pain and put their hands over their the spot their father had just slapped on.

"OW!" Leo, Mikey, Arcee and Dom yelped.

"Hey!" Donnie complained.

"No hitting our wounded, remember?!" Louie whinel melodramatically.

"Father? Why did you do that?" Arcee asked, a bit shocked by her father's actions again.

"Yeah!" Raph agreed. "What was that for?"

"What do you think? For being so foolish!" Splinter said sternly. "You were only supposed to deliver Leonardo's answer and then get straight back home, no to engage the Shredder himself to the fight you couldn't possibly win! WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Each turtle winced at their father's sharp and loud question, before they lowered their heads down in shame.

"It wasn't our fault, father." Arcee spoke up first with the timid and innocent voice, making Splinter turn to her with the stern frown on his face, waiting for explanation. "We were going to leave after we gave the Shredder Leo's answer, but... they wouldn't allow us to leave."

"Not alive at least." Louie remarked.

"Yeah! After we'd beaten a handful of his Foot Ninja and Hun, the Shred-head and Tatsu came and threw a whole frickin army of their goons upon us!" Raph explained further. "You try to leave when there's those ninja-bastards swarming everywhere blocking your every mean to escape."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now