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Meanwhile, in another alleyway, a patrol of three ninjas walked down it 'till they reached to the dead end that was covered by the shadows. Two of them walked ahead while the third followed close behind.

Suddenly, something moved fast in the shadows behind the ninjas, causing the faintly whistling gust of wind that blew some torn newspapers off the ground. The quick yet quiet running steps, as well as a couple of in the ground standing cardboard coffee cups that got knocked over when the figure dashed past them, caught the ninjas' attention and they turned around to see what it was.

There was no one behind of them.

"What was that?" one of the ninjas asked in confusion.

"It moved so fast. I didn't see it." the second ninja next to first one spoke.

"Could it be one of the turtles?" the first one suggested.

"If so, then be on your guard, men. They're out there. They're stalking us." the third ninja said as he pulled out his Ninjato-sword and turned back to the entrance of the alley, while also keeping an eye on the fire-escapes on each wall and the edges of the rooftops above.

The two other ninjas also pulled out their swords and prepared to engage whoever was stalking them.

One of the ninjas then sniffed the air and caught something that really stung his nose, causing his face to recoil in disgust under of his mask, while the other one turned to him.

"Ugh! Something or someone around here really stinks!" the ninja complained in disgust.

"Don't look at me." the other ninja said, shaking his head.

Suddenly, both ninjas felt someone poking them on the tops of their heads with the finger tips.

"Doo-doo." someone teasingly said with the low voice from behind the ninjas' backs.

Both ninjas instantly turned around to face whoever was standing behind their backs, only to let a throaty gasps out of their mouths when they felt someone stabbing them through their chests with the narrow and cold steel-bladed weapons.

Their gasps weren't unheard by the third ninja not a further away from them.

"Huh? What is it? What's going on?" the ninja questioned as he turned around to face his comrades.

To his surprise, the ninja saw the shadowy figure standing between of his comrades, who slowly went limp and bent over onto the figures' arms, with the blood-covered tips of the sharp-tiped blades peeking out of their backs.

"Who's there?!" the third ninja demanded, leveling up his sword and aiming at the shadowy figure.

The shadowy figure then pushed two ninjas forward as he himself pulled his weapons out of them. The ninjas fell on their backs to the ground, with the stab wounds in their blood-covered stomaches. The figure then stepped out of the shadows, revealing himself as the Mutant Ninja Turtle with the red bandana, blood-stained twin-Sai in his hands and a mischievous and victorious smirk on his face.

"Turtle." Raph said with the smirk.

The ninjas eyes widened at the sight of Raphael standing over his now-dead comrades, but before he could react in any other way, Raph made his own move faster than the ninja did by throwing one of his Sai at him.

The Sai hit the ninja in the forehead and the weapon's narrow blade sunk deep into his head, stopping the ninja in place before he could've either move in to attack or turn around to escape from the alley to alert the other ninjas. As the blood began to spill onto the ninja's masked face from the fatal wound in his forehead, the ninjas arms fell limp and he dropped the sword to the ground, before his legs gave in and the ninja fell over to the ground, dead, and with Raph's Sai still stuck in his head.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Four Turtles More.  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now