Chapter 1

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I walked off of the bus, bus 43, and waited by the front entrance of the school, Pennridge North Middle School. I soon saw Charlotte's bus pulled up and she leaped out of her bus, bus 83. She greeted me with a smile, as she always did.

"I read chapter 38 and I will always be in love with Tommy." I said. She gave a laugh before speaking.

"I think I gave you a fan-girl fever. I did the same thing but with Newt." She said, moving a strand of her strawberry blond hair out of her face.

I gave a laugh as we entered the school doors. We walked to the library down the tan hallways, covered with students and teachers. When we entered the library, we were greeted by out table in the morning sun. No one was at that section of the library yet since it was only 7:30 A.M. We sat down in the wooden chairs and I pulled out my "Maze Runner" book and set it down on the circular table.

"Did you get to the part where Ben gets banished yet?" Charlotte asked.

"Yea. I didn't like it. Ben was begging for them not to. It said he was close to tears!" I said, a little louder than I thought.

"Katelyn, you do realize that he almost killed Thomas, right?" Charlotte asked.

I thought about that for a moment, my face holding a blank expression.

"Well then I wouldv'e killed him myself."I said, giving an evil smile.

Charlotte giggled, pulling out her iPod to show me more pictures of her "boyfriend", Newt (also from "Maze Runner").

"How many pictures do you have of Newt?" I asked.

"God knows how many. Probably more than 50." Charlotte said. But I was surprised when she didn't show me pictures of Newt. She showed me pictures of Thomas.

"I thought you might have wanted to see them. I'll send you them when I get wifi." she said, reading my exprestion.

"I really wish we could go into this book. I want to hug Thomas." I said, opening up my book to chapter 38.

"Yea, I want to disapear so I can give Newt a hug." Charlotte said.

I heard footsteps over to our table and I looked up to see our librarian, Mrs. Sterling.

"Mrs. Sterling! Were we too loud?" Charlotte asked in suprise.

"No, no. You girls are fine. I'm just checking on you. You look like your really into that book, Katelyn." Mrs. Sterling said.

"Yea, I am. We really want to disapear into this book. It's just amazing." I said.

"Consider it done." Mrs. Steling said.

I gave Charlotte a weird look. She gave one back to me.

In a blink of an eye, Mrs. Steling was gone along with the library and the school. I looked around. No tables, no chairs, no books, our backpacks were gone, and walls surrounded us.

I looked at Charlotte and asked her a question.

"Are we-" I started.

"We're in the Glade." Charlotte replied, giving me a smile.

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