Chapter 24

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I looked into his eyes, finding him leaning into me. We were centimeters apart when Newt and Charlotte ran up to us.

My face grew red and Thomas and I ripped apart.

"Now isn't the time to make out." Charlotte said.

"I don't know what your talking about." I lied.

"You guys were about to bloody kiss." Newt complained.

"And what was more important?" I asked.

"The Doors..." Charlotte said pointing.

I looked at them, they were wide open and the sun was already setting.

"Crap." I whispered.

I heard a loud screech in three other directions. I covered my ears because the noise was so loud.

I saw every door opened.

I heard screams and shrieks and yells coming from the North Doors.

"Hide!" Thomas yelled.

We all darted for the Homestead, ripping open the door, running inside and then blocking the door behind us. I was next to Thomas, his arm around me, giving me comfort. Charlotte and Newt were behind us, his hand wrapped around hers.

There was Chuck and Winston, Alby and Frypan, and a couple other people.

A Griever was trying to bust through the door, but then it started climbing on top of the Homestead.

I was breathing heavily, my heart racing.

I gave a glance at Thomas.

"Thomas...I'm really scared." I said to him telepathically.

"I am too." He replied.

The Griever seemed to disappear. I breathed out, a heavy breath of relief. But then a Griever's arm ripped through the ceiling and ripped the pole holding it up. The ceiling collapsed, pushing two of the people I didn't know outside and attacked by the Grievers.

"Chuck, get in front of me." I said. Chuck listened to me, without questioning.

The Griever's arm reached through the ceiling, grabbing me. Thomas quickly grabbed my hand, pulling me back inside.
He was screaming my name. I heard the metal sound of the Griever about to sting me. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to sting me.

I heard metal being ripped apart, so I opened my eyes. Seeing Alby ripping the Griever's arm apart. I fell onto the floor of the Homestead.

"You okay?" Thomas asked.

"For almost being stung by a Griever. Yea, I'm fine." I said.

The Griever pulled out its arm, leaving a giant hole in the ceiling. Alby looked at me, still holding the part of the Griever's arm.

"Thanks, Alby." I said.

He nodded; a "you're-welcome-I-saved-you" nod.

The Griever's arm came back in and grabbed Alby, yanking him out.

"Alby!" I screamed. I started panicking. I didn't want anyone to die besides Gally and Ben. Alby needed to help us through the Maze.

I was crying, pacing the floor, muttering words no one would be able to understand.

Thomas came over to me, trying to explain something, or just try and cheer me up. He eventually pulled me into a hug, playing with my brunette hair till I stopped crying.

"Let's get out of this bloody place." Newt said.

"Good that." agreed Charlotte. We walked out the door, or what was left of it.

"You did this!" I heard. Gally was running toward me.

"Gally, it's not my fault-" I started.

Gally gave me a shove before speaking.

"You did this to all of us!" He yelled, shoving me to the ground.

Newt and Thomas pulled Gally away. I watched Gally struggle to get me.

Chuck was holding the Griever's arm that stung the fellow Gladers.

"Maybe he's right." I said, grabbing it from Chuck's hand.

"W-what are you doing?" Chuck asked. I looked at Gally, who was screaming like a lunatic. I glanced at Chuck, his face worried with fear. I saw Charlotte, her looking at me with a "don't you dare" look.

I looked at the Griever's arm. Maybe Gally was right.

I jammed the thing into my stomach, letting out a scream. I fell to the ground, motionless, as my eyes began to close.

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