Your first fight.

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Harry : It was 3 months into the relationship.

You noticed that he and Cho were getting really close. He stopped being your partner in class and went to be partners with her. That really bugged you and so you decided to bring it up one day. Big mistake.

You- " Harry can we talk?"

Harry- " Sure what's up."

You- " Well I feel like you have been spending a lot of time with Cho."

Harry- " Ok but I'm able to have friends."

You- " Of course you are, but I feel like you don't pay attention to me anymore."

You had tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

Harry- " God Y/N don't be clingy."

With that the tears started to fall.

You- " Fine then go date Cho instead."

With that you walked out and left him there. He felt like an absolute monster and knew he had to apologize.

Ron : It was about a year into the relationship.

You knew that Ron was planning on going with Hermione and Harry to find the Horcrux's but you were a little nervous because this was the longest you would be apart. Plus you didn't trust Hermione because you knew she had a crush on Ron. You thought that you should see where the two of you stand on your relationship.

You- "Ron how long will you be gone?"

Ron- " I'm not sure. Maybe a few months."

You- " So what does that mean for us?"

Ron- " You stay here and I go and then we just pick up when I get back."

You- " That's not going to work Ron."

Ron- " Yeah it will."

You- " Look I love you Ron, but that long without any communication."

Ron- " Stop being so weird about it. We'll be fine."

You- " You know what Ron. You can go but don't expect me to be waiting when you get back."

Ron- " So that's it. You breaking up with me."

You- " You give me no other choice. You don't listen to me and your gonna be gone so it just won't work."

You then leave and Ron starts to cry. He realized how badly he messed up and doesn't want to just leave you like this.

Hermione : It was only 1 week into the relationship.

Hermione was already ditching you and you hated that because you didn't really have many friends or family so you felt alone again. You brought it up to her one day at a quidditch game and she wasn't having it.

Hermione- " Are you okay baby?"

You- " Yeah."

Hermione: " Tell me. I know your not."

You- " It's just I know your best friends with Ron and Harry but I feel kinda lonely."

Hermione: " That's insane we spend a lot of time together."

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