How they react to you seeing them insecure.

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HARRY: He knows that you don't care about his scar but sometimes he can't help but get insecure about it. You and Harry were cuddling in the Gryffindor common room when he decided to mention it.

Harry: " Y/N does my scar make me look stupid?"

You: " What! No Harry."

Harry: " Are you sure. Cause sometimes I feel like it looks dumb."

You: " Harry your scar is awesome. It shows that you are stronger than your last fight, and I think it makes you look handsome."

Harry: " Thanks Y/N. I love you."

You: " I love you too Harry."

RON: Ron loves to eat. That's obvious. But he was getting insecure that he may be gaining weight. Instead of just talking to you he started to distance himself and be rude to everyone. You were getting worried and so you decided to sit down and talk with him.

You: " Ron, I don't know why your acting like this. I mean I understand if you don't want to talk about your problem with me, but I'm here for you if you want to talk."

Ron stands up and goes over to the mirror.

Ron: " Y/N I'm getting fat."

You: " No you aren't."

Ron: " Yea I am. Look I have a tummy."

You: " Ron you are still hot to me."

Ron: " No I'm not."

You: " Yes you are. I love you at any size."

Ron: " Really?"

You: " Yes. I think your tummy is cute.

HERMIONE: Her hair was bushy. Everyone could see that. It bothered her a lot. But you liked it. She was trying to do spells on it to make it straight.

You: " Hermione you don't have to do that."

Hermione: " But it's so frizzy and gross."

You: " I love your bushy hair. It's so soft."

Hermione: " But everyone makes fun of it."

You: " I know but those people are just jealous that they don't have awesome hair like you."

Hermione: " Are you bring serious?"

You: " Yes."

NEVILLE: He is really shy and so he doesn't really do things that he wants to do because he is scared. That makes him really insecure. Harry was doing something cool and you heard him mumbling to himself.

Neville: " I wish I was that brave."

You: " Neville Frank Longbottom, you are very brave."

Neville: " No I'm not. I'm a loser."

You: " Neville you are the best boyfriend in the whole world. You make me so happy. And you asked me out. So that's pretty brave and I think you're awesome."

Neville: " Thanks Y/N."

You: " No problem baby."

OLIVER: He was a little insecure about his muscles. Roger Davies ( The Ravenclaw quidditch captain) had big muscles and was huge but Oliver felt small. One day you were hanging out in the locker room and he was flexing in the mirror with a small frown on his face.

Oliver: " Do you think I should start working out?"

You: " Why?"

Oliver: " Cause my muscles are kind of small."

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