Some small headcannons.

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These are all in my head so they aren't real but yeah. Enjoy.

- The Slytherins don't like their house because everyone immediately thinks they are mean, when in reality they just want to make friends

- Theo Nott and Luna Lovegood have a relationship and when anyone disrespects her he goes off on that person
( I saw it on tumblr and they are so cute.)

- Katie always thought really low of herself and Oliver always had to reassure her that she was perfect to him

- Katie's mom always commented about her looks and her weight. That's why she was insecure.

- The Ravenclaws feel like no one likes them. They think that because they stay to themselves then everyone will hate them

- Ron always felt left out from everyone. Even with his friends he felt left out

- Draco really wanted to be friends with Harry but Harry said no and that's why Draco was against him

- Charlie, Percy, and Ron were always the odd ones out to the family. Ginny was the youngest so she got attention. Fred and George made trouble so they were noticed and Bill was the oldest

- Snape hated himself for the rest of his life after he called Lily a mudblood

Would you like more of these? I have a lot. 🌸

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