If you get Umbridge's detention.

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So this is the one with the writing on your hand.

Harry: You were walking back to your common room when you spotted Harry. You tried to walk past him quickly so he wouldn't ask questions. But he saw you.

Harry: Oh hey Y/N!

You: H..hey Harry.

Harry: What's wrong?

You reluctantly showed him your hand.


You: Calm down Harry.

Harry: No she hurt my baby.

You: I'm fine. Really. It's just a scratch.

Harry: A scratch... that's not a scratch.

You finally get him to calm down, then you go and cuddle and he kisses your hand.

Ron: You were late to dinner that night. And Ron knew that never happened. When you walked in and sat next to him he started asking questions.

Ron: Are you okay? Why were you late? Who kept you?

You: Umbridge.

Ron: She didn't.....

At that moment you looked down because you didn't want to say anything. He grabbed your arm and saw the words.

Ron: I hate her.

You: I know me too. But I'm fine really.

He smiles and kisses you.

Hermione: She knew you had detention and she knew exactly what was going to happen. Right after you came out she hugged you because she wanted to comfort you. ( I'm sorry but she's smart and she just knew.)

Mattheo: When you decided to show him he was mad.

Mattheo: That b**ch.

You: Calm down.

Mattheo: Fine but only because you said so.

He does some spells on her later and let's just say it gets weird.

Neville: He starts to cry. He doesn't understand how she could that to you.

You: Baby I'm okay.

Neville: I know. Your so strong. It just breaks my heart.

You hug him and then you guys cuddle for a long time while he whispers things in your ears.

Oliver: You hadn't gone to quidditch that day and that concerned him. He came and found you in the library.

Oliver: Hey darlings. You didn't go to Quidditch.

You: Yeah I had detention.

Oliver: Oh. Wait did she make you write on your hand.

You: Umm. Yeah. How did you know?

Oliver: I saw Harry's. Are you alright?

You: Yeah I'm alright. Thanks Ollie

Oliver: Of course love.

Fred: You had detention together. You both had to do it and he hated it because he wishes he could do it on his own. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy your company, he just didn't want you to hurt. Afterwards you fall asleep on him.

George: You kept it a secret for as long as you could. You his it with makeup. One day in the rain it came off.

George: What happened to your hand?

You: Oh... umm a spell.

George: I know that's a lie. It was Umbridge wasn't it?

You: Maybe.

George: Why did you hide it?

You: I didn't want to be a burden.

George: Love this is serious. Not a burden. You could never be a burden to me. Okay?

You: Okay.

Draco: He was pissed. Like you were kinda scared because he just was mad. He told his father about this and honestly he just couldn't handle it. That's all I'm gonna say.

Cedric: He kisses you so much. He loves to apologize even though it's not his fault.

Tom: He is livid.

Tom: She's gonna get it.

You: Don't do anything you regret.

Tom: I will for you. You did nothing wrong and didn't deserve this.

Before you can speak he kisses you and walks away. Umbridge has green hair the next day so I'll let you figure that out.

Ginny: Very similar to Fred. She hates that your hurt.

Luna: She talks to you because it's calming. Very calming. You slowly fall asleep and she loves that because you felt safe enough to sleep with her.

This wasn't great but I was losing ideas towards the end.

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