What your guardians think of them

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Your mother loves him. She loved him right away. Your dad took a little longer to warm up to him but now he's good with him.

Your dad loves him. He thinks he is hilarious. Your mom hates him. She thinks he is too immature for you.

Both parents love her. She is smart and responsible.

Your mom loved him from the start. Your dad was a little unsure because he was so shy. Later that night he loved him.

Both your parents love him. Especially your dad because they talk about quidditch.

Your parents don't like him. They think he's immature. They are civil when he comes over but they tell you about it when he leaves.

You lived with your grandparents because you had a bad family situation. Your grandma liked him and your grandpa was okay with him. It's nothing against George they just don't want you to have more trust issues.

At first your mom hated him, then she realized he was a charmer and she grew to love him. Your stepdad loved him from the start. He saw how happy Draco made you.

Your dad hated him. He was dating you. Your dads little girl. He's worried about Cedric hurting you.

You live with your aunt and uncle. Your uncle is fine with him. Your aunt loves him because she thinks he's handsome.

Your mom loved Ginny. She always asked when she was coming over again.

Your dad thinks she's hilarious so he likes her. Your stepmom was a little unsure at first but Luna grew on her.

Your mom hates him. She thought he was wild boy and she didn't want that for you. Your dad loved him because he was a wild boy.

You lived with your older sister because she had to become your guardian. She was unsure at first because she didn't want you to get hurt. When Charlie showed her that he meant business she began to like him.

Your stepdad loves him. He knew Blaises family so he already knew Blaise. Your mom didn't really care so she was fine with him.

Your mom hates him. She thinks he is too serious and she makes it known that she hates him. You don't bring him around after that.

Your dad is like a fan girl over the whole quidditch thing. Your mom is alright with him.

You live with your mom and your uncle helps to care for you. Your mom didn't really care. Your uncle interrogated him first and then he liked him.

Your mom liked him because he was smart and hardworking. Your stepdad didn't really like him because he knew his dad.

Your mom loves him. She wants him there all the time. Your dad isn't fooled by his Pureblood good boy act.

You live with your aunt and uncle. Your uncle was okay with him. He didn't really have an opinion. Your aunt wasn't sure at first because he was a Pureblood and had that attitude but she grew to like him.

Both your parents hate him. They think he's a bad influence and will tell him that.

You live with your grandparents. Your grandma hates him. She thinks he is immature. Your grandpa however finds him hilarious and loves him.

You lived with your grandma and her sister. They both love him. He is so sweet and caring and they love that. They both don't care that he is a werewolf.

Your mom hates her. She thinks that she is going to drag you away from your family. Your stepdad loves her however and always offers to take you two places.

You live with your older brother and his girlfriend. Your brother is unsure about her because he wants to protect you but his girlfriend sees the love between you two and accepts right by away.

Your mom is fine with him. She doesn't hate him but she also doesn't love him. Your dad is obsessed with the guy I swear. He always talks to him.

Your stepmom likes him because she thinks he is handsome. Your dad likes him because he is shy.

Your parents hate him. Like hate strongly.

You live with your aunt. She loves him. She thinks that he is respectful and responsible.

Your dad loves Katie. He thinks that she is perfect for you.

Your parents loves him because he is so sweet and cute.

You live with your grandpa. He is unsure about him at first but then realizes it is your life.

Hello beautiful people. For this chapter I tried to do some different family situations. Like living with your grandparents or aunt or uncle. Or living with step parents. I hope I did a good job of that. If that is not your family then you can fill those in for yourselves. If you live in America. Happy 4th of July of weekend. I hope you have a great time. If not then just have a good day or night. Thanks for reading. 🌸

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