How they react to seeing you without makeup for the first time.

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HARRY : It was when you had run away with the golden trio during Deathly Hallows. You went into the lake with him to get the sword so it all came off. When you got out you tried to hide your face but he noticed.

Harry: Why are you covering your face?

You: Oh, umm. It's just cold.. yeah that makes sense.

Harry: Love what's wrong?

You: I don't have any makeup on.

He turns your face to look at him and kisses you softly.

Harry: Your beautiful love.

You: Thanks Harry.

RON: It was late at night and you were studying in the library . You had taken your makeup off because you knew nobody was going to be down there. You heard a noise and looked up to see Ron.

Ron: Hey babe you should go to sleep.

You: Umm. Yeah I should but I don't think I will.

Ron: C'mon.

You didn't know why he wasn't saying you looked bad, but he didn't. He truly didn't really notice because he just loves you and doesn't really care what you look like. He walked you back to your common room.

Ron: Good night.

You: Good night.

As he walked away he whispered back to you " You look pretty by the way."

HERMIONE: You had just taken a shower and so it washed off. You put all your clothes on and walked back to your dorm. When you got there she was sitting on your bed. You quickly turned around.

Hermione: Hey.

You: Hi Hermione.

Hermione: Look you don't have to hide your face. It's pretty with or without makeup.

You: You really think so?

Hermione: I do.

( Sorry I feel like she is just too smart and would know what was happening. She is also a girl so...)

NEVILLE: You were helping him water the plants and one of them spit water on your face. You went to wipe it off not thinking about your makeup coming off. When you turned back to Neville his eyes were big and he was smirking.

You: What?

Neville: Nothing, your makeup came off but you look even prettier without it.

You: Thank you Nev.

You kiss his cheek and continue watering the plants. After this you stopped wearing so much makeup only little things like blush and mascara.

OLIVER: You had taken it off for quidditch because you didn't care if your team saw you but you weren't expecting Oliver to come and visit you after. When you saw him you tried to hide your face but he grabbed it and kissed it.

Oliver: Hey babe.

You: Hi Ollie.

Oliver: I like your face.

You: Umm. Thanks.

Oliver: No problem. It really looks nice without all that makeup on. Not that you don't always like pretty but I like your natural face better.

You also stopped wearing so much makeup because as long as he thinks your pretty it doesn't matter.

FRED: You were swimming in the black lake. And obviously it came off. You weren't expecting him to be there but he was. You turned your face away from him and tried to hide your face.

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