How they react to you coming to them covered in cuts and bruises.

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HARRY: You had gotten into a fight with Ginny because she was telling you that Harry loved her instead of you and you couldn't take that so you punched her. She punched you back and then it just kept going. You walked into the common room.

Harry: " Oh my god Y/N!"

You: " I'm fine Harry."

Harry: " Your face is all bruised."

You: " I am fine. Truly Harry."

Harry: " Alright. But let's get some ice on that. Okay?"

You: " Okay."

He got you some ice and kissed your bruise.

RON: Pansy Parkinson was your bully. She always was calling you names and hitting you. Today was worse than usual and you had a bruised cheek. Ron found you crying in the hallway.

Ron: " Y/N? Baby are you okay?"

You: " No."

Ron: " Was it Pansy again?"

You: " Yes."

Ron: " I'm sorry love. I wish I could do more. Why don't we go and heal that and then we will cuddle. Does that sound nice?"

You: " Yes Ronnie."

HERMIONE: Malfoy hit you for no reason. He was mad and you were there. So he hit you.

Hermione: " Oh my gosh. What happened Y/N?"

You: " Malfoy hit me."

Hermione: " What! Why?"

You: " He was mad and I was the only one around."

Hermione: " That is not excuse for him to hit you."

She went and hexed Malfoy.

NEVILLE: You were helping Neville take care of his plants while he was away for Christmas break and one of his plants attacked you. You were fine but got some pretty nasty cuts along your arms and face. When Neville got home and he was really worried.

You: " Neville I'm okay. It hurt a lot at first but now it's getting better."

Neville: " I know but I feel bad because it was my plant."

You: " Its fine Neville. The plant doesn't know what it's doing."

Neville: " Okay. I'll believe you but you better be really fine."

You: " I am Neville. I promise."

OLIVER: During quidditch a bludger hit you. It had hit your side and you had a huge bruise along your left side. You had tried to hide it from him but it was pretty big so he noticed it.

Oliver: " When the bloody hell did you get that?"

You: " The quidditch match the other day."

Oliver: " Is anything broken?"

You: " No. Luckily it wasn't too bad of a hit."

Oliver: " Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

You: " It wasn't something to bother you with."

Oliver: " You could never bother me. I love you."

You: " I love you too Ollie."

FRED: You fell down the stairs. You are really clumsy and you just toppled right down. You got a nice bruise from your shoulder to your collar bone.

Fred: " When did you do that?"

You: " Fell down the stairs 2 days ago."

Fred: " Of course you did. Are you alright?"

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