Cute things you two do.

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Harry: You trace his scar when he can't sleep and he just smiles in contentment.

Ron: You cook soup together. He likes it. You like it. It just works.

Hermione: You read books and then summarize it for each other.

Mattheo: He kisses your nose more than your lips.

Neville: He gives you plants. Not just flowers, but plants.

Fred: He gives you only one flower. That way you only have to care for one.

George: He sits on your lap. Not you on his. Him on yours.

Draco: He buys you random things. Like it'll be a normal Tuesday and he'll get you a necklace.

Cedric: Every Wednesday he gives you a flower that he picked. During winter time he draws one and gives it to you.

Tom: He likes to go around your back and put his hands around your waste. Then he lays his head on top of yours.

Ginny: You braid each other's hair in different braids. It's small but it's your thing.

Luna: She takes you to see the animals in the forest. It's your cute couples things.

Oliver: You wear his quidditch jersey. He likes that you are wearing his name.

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