Their first thoughts of you.

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HARRY: " Wow. She's really nice."

RON: " She likes my hair. I think I'm in love."

HERMIONE: " I'm not sure about her."

NEVILLE: " Her eyes were like the ocean."

OLIVER: " She's cute and likes quidditch. I say that's a win."

FRED: " She laughed at my joke. Ok be cool Fred."

GEORGE: " I think I like her. Maybe I should ask mom."

DRACO: " Who does she think she is. Wait til father hears about this."

CEDRIC: " There's something I like about her."

TOM: " What is that mudblood doing to me. I can't feel anything. Can I?"

GINNY: " I really wanna talk to her more."

LUNA: " She didn't call me Loony."

BILL: " I'm intrigued by her."

CHARLIE: " What is a girl going to do with dragons. Wait I think we went to school together."

BLAISE: " She's hot."

PERCY: " She better not get in the way of my work."

VIKTOR: " I would give up quidditch for her."

ADRIAN: " She doesn't treat me like some dumb Slytherin."

YOUNG SNAPE: " She was nice to me. I bet it was a prank."

YOUNG LUCIUS: " Mudblood."

YOUNG REGULUS: " Please let her be a Pureblood."

YOUNG JAMES: " She may beat Lily. Not sure yet."

YOUNG SIRIUS: " I hope she gives me a shot."

YOUNG REMUS: " She'd never be near me if she knew I was a monster."

TONKS: " I love her hair."

ROGER: " She's so tiny."

THEO: " I hate her."

DEAN: " She's pretty."

MARCUS: " Nice."

KATIE: " I really liked her."

NEWT: " She's different. I like different."

THESEUS: " She's a little too serious."

So I am sorry if you don't use she/her pronouns. I personally am female and I write these partially for me so I use she/her. You can change as you read. 🌸

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