How they react to seeing your baby bump growing.

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Harry: It was your 4th month and he was going to the doctor with you. All of your clothes covered your small bump but obviously you had to roll up your shirt.

Harry: " Wow. That's our baby."

You: " That it is Harry."

Harry: " It's so strange to see you with it. It's beautiful."

You: " I know. I'm so excited."

Harry: " Me too."

Ron: You we're wearing one of your tighter dresses and now it showed your bump. You noticed when you looked in the mirror.

You: " Ron come look!"

Ron: " What? Is something wrong?"

You: " No. Look my bump is showing."

He walks behind you and puts his hands on your stomach. He can see it in the mirror.

Ron: " That's amazing."

Hermione: You hadn't been showing until the 5th month. She had waited for so long to see your bump. One day she saw it. You hadn't even noticed.

Hermione: " Love your really showing today."

You: " Your right. I hadn't even noticed."

Hermione: " I can't believe we are going to be parents."

You: " Me either. But I'm really looking forward to it."

Hermione: " Me too."

Neville: He was really nervous about having kids. All he did was worry that he wasn't going to be a good dad. It still didn't seem real. He had come home for break from teaching and was shocked.

Neville: " Hey baby. Your belly is growing."

You: " I know. I was hoping you'd realize. You haven't seen me in a few months."

Neville: " I wish I could see you more. But it's finally starting to feel real. We're having a baby!"

You: " I know. You'll be the best dad."

Neville: " And you'll be the best mom."

Oliver: He was away for quidditch things and was gone for 2 months. He hadn't yet seen your baby bump. You were excited for him to come home.

You: " Ollie I've missed you."

Oliver: " I've missed you too. Your bump has grown so much. It's so crazy. I feel horrible cause I have to miss so much."

You: " It's not your fault Ollie. You have to do your job. Plus the baby has the coolest dad ever. And it will get all kinds of quidditch stories."

Oliver: " Ok. I promise that when time gets closer I'll be here."

You: " I know you will Ollie."

He places his hands on your stomach and kisses you.

Fred: He was more than excited for you to have a bump. You had bought a new maternity dress and was showing him.

You: " So what do you think."

Fred: " I love it. Your belly looks so nice in it. The baby is growing."

You: " I know it's crazy. I mean I can't even believe it. It's moving so fast."

Fred: " Yeah but I'm ready to meet our baby."

You: " Me too Freddie. But right now let's just enjoy us."

Fred: " Of course. I mean we need our time."

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