16: Town Next Door

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Keigo's pov:

After two days in the desert. I finally reached a town.

Excuse me, but do you know where I can find the train station?"

I asked a stranger with golden hair and light blue eyes. His smile seemed to light up like the sun.

"Of course sir. May i ask where you're heading? That way I can help you get to your train on time."

"I need to get back to the devil's nest."

"I see, you must be going for the Todoroki funerals."


"Yes, enji was assassinated and his son has been prezoomed dead."

"Please help me get there as soon as possible!"

I began to worry. Once on the train. I gave the man who helped me a lucky charm from mirok. With that, I was off. After a few hours. The train stops. Yet when I look out of the window. We're still in the desert. Gunshots ring causing panic to set in. That's about the time the door to the car I was in opened.

"Wait you're him. The blue eyed bandit captain Dabi."

His eyes looked at me with interest but before I could draw my weapon. His quick steps over to me. Now with a closer look. I see something else in those eyes besides my reflection. Yet I can't put my finger on the emotion.

"Well well if it isn't the cowboy for hire. Your boss is dead. So why are you heading back? Is it because of that trash, or was it his son? Hate to break it to you but they're both dead."

I can see that he's telling the truth. Out of rage and denial. I try to fight back.

"No! You're wrong! He's still alive! I.... I can feel it in my heart."

"Is that right? Maybe you should see it for yourself."

I use hand to hand combat. Yet he's faster and better than I. My face soon gets planted in the floor while him and his group of three rob everyone on board. He takes my gun after hog tying me with rope.


"Now be a good pup and be quiet until you get there."

He grabs my bandana and shoves the extra in my mouth before tying it in place. After taking my hat and placing it on his head. He places his signature hat on my head in such a way. That I can't see.


"Alright everyone off the train. We got a package to send that shouldn't be unwrapped yet!"

Soon the train goes silent before an explosion.

Shigaraki:"Boss, we got the gold."

"Excellent now let's go."

"What about him?"

"He's of no consequence. Leave him be as a messenger."

I buck my hips trying to pull the rope off. That's when he leans by my ear and softly says.

"Relax little bull.  We'll meet again someday. "

The smell of coal ash is strong on him. The car door shuts and with another shot fired. The train is off.

^he's wrong, he's lying right? Please let natsuo still be alive.^

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