17: Drawned It Out

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Keigo's pov:

No matter how hard i tried to get free. The rope wouldn't budge. That's when I started picking at the knots.

^Strange, these aren't normal knots.^

The door opens.

"Uh.... oh no. S....sir a..are you alright?"

His soft and shy spoken voice was that of tamaki amajiki. He began to free me. Once able to move. I slam that jerk's hat on the floor.

"Damn that bandit. I know he's lying. There's no way he's dead."

"If y... you're talking about end- enji. He is infact dead. The blue eyed bandit killed him about two days ago. "


^oh no oh no oh NO!^

I ran into town and everyone cheered. A red head with sharp teeth screams out.

"Our new sherif is here!"

"What is he talking about?"

"S....so the town voted for a replacement for enji, and with Bakugou's help. You were elected in."

Instead of searching for natsuo. I was pushed into office work. In my spare time I would search, but there was very little of it. Lone work days were followed by drinks at home alone. Hopeful that if I stayed here. He would come home one day. Yet after two weeks. My depression was getting to be too much. So in a drunken state of mind. I finally went to the graveyard to prove to myself that he was still alive.

"Please don't let him be here. I swear if he is. God take me instead. I beg you to let him get another start on life."

I walked to enji grave first.

"Except you, ya ignorant prick. I hope to one day be in hell with a poker to cook you with. Tho you'd probably give Satan the shits."*hiccup*

I looked around yet saw no grave.

"Heheh see i knew he was al-*hiccup*ive."

My second in command was tamaki, and he was with me.

"Please sir let's go home before you embarrass us both."

He turns me away from the mine memorial before we leave.

"To think that enji died on the one year anniversary of the accident. It almost seems to have been planned you know?"

"Sir please stop. You need to rest up for tomorrow. You said that you would give a speech on the site remember?"

He takes me home. Where I stumble on the couch passed out drunk. All awhile my mind putting the pieces together. For the past two weeks I seemed normal grief symptoms. When really I wanted to bring Dabi to justice for what he did to natsuo, or so he had me believing until now. Yet I still wanted to catch him for his crimes anyway. Either way I wouldn't be happy until I saw him hanged.

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