Chapter 8

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Hi People out there! I'm trying to write again! Hopefully I have gotten better at writing.
I would like to give a big thank you for all of my newest followers, I was actually surprised that people where still reading and voting for this.
Anyway I don't own Naruto, I do own some of the games though.
This chapter might be a bit smaller than my other ones.
If I dont mention in a sentence who is speaking then i will just put there names and then write a script i guess.
I opened my eyes to the rough shaking I was receiving to get blinded by a sea of orange, seriously who wears orange as a ninja... I have got to change that. Due to being angry that I was being woken up and then being blinded, you might say that I wasn't the friendliest fruit in the bowl. (I'm hungry...)
I put on my (to me) sharpest glare, which probably didn't look too intimidating due to my tired state, to try and scare Naruto off...lets just say it didnt go exactly as planned.
"Is there something in your eye sis? Maybe its an eyelash?"
And I thought that he was going to be talking at a normal level.
"Naruto... if you don't move away in the next 5 seconds I will...EAT ALL OF YOUR RAMEN!!!" And just like that he was at the other side of the classroom which made me smile at my work.
I was about to fall back asleep when the door to the classroom opened to reveal a lazy cyclops of a man, (not going to decribe him as you should probably know what he looks like) which made me make a girly squeel as THE Kakashi Hatake is in the same room as me!
"My first impression of you guys is..." We all waited with bated breath, "I hate all of you *Que anime falls and sweatdrops*, meet me on the roof in five.
Next thing we knew there was a puff of smoke and Kakashi was gone, so I decided to be a bit dramatic.
"NOOOOOOO! Take me with you I don't think I will last being around banshee and emo! Please don't leave me."
All this got me though was two glares that felt really uncomfortable (A/N Does anyone else get the feeling that people are undressing you when they glare at you or is that just me?) And a laugh from Naruto until he got shut up by Sakura's fist.
Deciding to get away before they all turn back to me from watching Naruto's twitching form and headed up the stairs to Kakashi.
When I made it up to the roof I was actually suprised to see Kakashi sitting there I always thought that he appeared just before they opemed the door.
Being the kind and gracious person that I am I decided to alert him to my presence by sittinf next to him and reading the page he was on out loud.
'...Akemi slowly sauntered up to Katashi (Yes his name is Katashi not Kakahi) who was busy downing two glasses of what looked to be sake and pretended to fall into him. "Sorry about that love but I am a bit of a klutz is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Akemi asked so innocently that you wouldn't have thought that she was basically shoving her modest C-cup breasts into his face.
Katashi in his lust-filled mindset decided that he should 'claim' this woman as his own, so he stood up from his seat and gave her a kiss straight off the bat.
Moans filled the air as the duo broke apart from their epic battle of tongues, both sides looking towards eachother with flushed faces, totally oblivious to the crowd that had formed.
Ever so slowly did Katashi start to slide off Akemi's floral printed kimono (Women wear kimonos dont they?) Whilst moving his head to the joint between her neck and shoulder, dragging his tongue across her skin hearing her satisfied moans for more..'
Too busy reading what was making me wish I had a rusty spoon to castrate (Is this spelt right?) Kakashi with, I failed to notice that the three stooges managed to make it at the rooftop at the exact moment when things got...saucy.
/Anything that is posted after this line will be done at a later date so this paragraph is very short FOR NOW I just have had a bit of a bad second half of a year so hopefully I will have finished this chapter by Christmas ,New years Eve latest! This is a promise!/
I was brought to my senses when I heard Naruto's...obnoxious....voice cut through the air, "Nee-chan did you stop reading it was starting to get interesting, I was interested for once!"
Sara:"Naruto~ Do you even know what was happening!"
Naruto: "Yeah, she was totally going to give her kimono to the guy because she was finding it hard to breath, and he was trying to help her breath by making her laugh by licking her neck, but she was making strange noises as she was trying not to laugh."
Sakura:"Baka! *Punches Naruto's head* That wasn't what was happening at all! That wouldn't even be possible anyway!"
Sara: "The pink-haired billboard is right, that was wrong but I think we should pay attention to sensei as he is starting to get depressed, seriously anymore and he could challenge king emo over there."
Sakura:"Hey don't talk about Sasuke-Kun like that, he is more than just an emo, he is MY emo!"
As the arguement was about to start we all heard a cough that brought our attention to our sensei who up until now was sitting with a doom and gloom atmosphere, but now has what looks like...dasies?...behind him.
Kakashi:"Awww look at you guys getting along,*Que three sweatdrops* But we need to move on anyway, so how about you guys introduce yourselves."
Sakura:"How do we do that sensei? Could you go first?"
Naruto:"Yeah! You look suspicious!"
Sara:"A clean room looks suslicious to you Naruto, and seriously Sakura you couldn't even introduce yourself and you are meant to be smart."
Kakashi:"*Ahem* Anyway, my name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes are none of your concern, my hobbies are a bit to mature for you guys and my dreams....anyway next you pinkie."
Even hearing it in real life I couldn't help but feel annoyed by how we only got his name, despite the fact that I knew more about him than he himself does.
Sakura:"Well my name is Sakura Haruno not pinkie, my likes are *takes a quick glance at Sasuke* hobbies are*Another glance at sasuke* dream for the future *Insert giant squeal with a bit of a nosebleed*...
Kakashi: "Any dislikes?
Sakura: NARUTO!!!!!!!
Kakashi:"Okay next is you goldilocks"
Naruto:"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen especially miso flavoured and my nee-chan, I hate the three minutes it takes for ramen to cook, my hobbies are pranking and eating ramen, and my dream of the future is TO BECOME THE BEST HOKAGE EVER!!!!"
I had to hold my ears because now my ears are ringing after Naruto's exclamtion, seriously his voice could rival Sakura's.
Kakashi:"Ok next is you broody."
Sasuke:"My name is...Sasuke Uchiha *Dramtaic wind* I hate a lot of things and I like very few things, my hobby is training, amd my dream, no my ambition is to revive the Uchiha clan *Quick almost unnoticable glance to me*....and to kill a certain man!"*Dramatic wind makes an encore*
Kakashi:"Finally you little miss nee-chan."
Deciding that I want to mess with everyones heads, I took a page out of Kakashi's book (both literally and figuratively, I am so going to burn that book even if I have to do it piece by piece.
Sara:" My name is Sara Uzumaki, my likes and dislikes are too long to say so i'll just say stuff, my hobbies...well wouldn't you like to know , drea,s for the future well I don't have any yet~!"
Kakashi:"Well now that we have all introduced ourselves *tiny glare in my direction* I will tell you abut the real genin rest.
Sakura:"But sensei we a,ready did the genin test."
Kakashi:"Oh! That was only to weed out the the weakest links, but anyway meet me at training ground 7 tomorrow at 6:00am, also make sure you don't eat breakfast you don't want to puke now do you.
*Poof* Now we are all alone on the roof, the only sound being the wind (seriously it didn't seem to be this windy).
Realizing that now would be the best chance to avoid being detected I decided (Wow I have made a lot of decisions havent I) to sneak of before being noticed.
Well this turned out longer then expexted and I want to say merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Lets look forward to a great 2016, wow I feel old now~ Oh well!
Take a cyber cookie aswell

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