Chapter 3

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Hi guys this Chapter is dedicated to NekoloidAelita and Comacnche3 for being my new fans thanks.

Any way on with the story.

Just an FYI Thoughts will be in Italics.


Sara's POV:

I couldn't help but stare at the letter.

This letter has explained to me about everything, my family past and powers.

I checked the contents of the letter one last time to make sure it was true.

It read....

'Dear Sara Uzumaki,

I probably know what is going on through your head because you most likely ended up in a forest in Konoha.

Any way this letter will explain it all to you so be patient.

As you know you are Sara Uzumaki and you have no family members alive correct?

Well actually you do have a family member left...'

My heart filled with happiness when hearing this news.

'...His name is Naruto and you both are twins.

When you both were born me and your father the 4th Hokage had to seal a tailed beast inside of you and Naruto.

As you might already know Naruto has the 9 tailed fox Kuruma in him...but you have the 10 tailed fox Ulric in you.

Just before I passed away I managed to leave this note for you and send you away to a different dimesion called Earth were Ninja are only in tv shows.

Well as with your powers you have the ability of knowledge which allows you to make up strategies and work out someones weakness, this ability lets you also know about someone's past present and future.

Your next power is the ability to copy clans Kekkei Genkai and clan jutsu by observing them, for example if you look at the sharingan you gain the sharingan but  only that you gain any jutsu that sharingan has copied. This is called Kyozô

Your next ability is not really an ability but more knowledge because on Earth there is a show which has ninja in which is about our world so you know about all events that will follow.

Your final power is to conrol all elements without handsigns for example if someone lanuched a fireball at you you could move it by using your mind to change its projectory, this one will be obtained after a lot of practice, with this power you can do any element jutsu.This is called Yôso kontorôru.

These powers are yours and yours alone Kekkei Genkai.

You have these powers because you are the Uzumaki princess, which was meant to only be a legend, the way you know is if the Uzumaki clans symbol is on your right arm.

When people find out you are still alive no doubt they will be after your power so stay safe and protect Naruto.

Ps.You are next in line to be Hokage when you see fit to take the opputunity.

We love you,

Love Kushina and Minato.

The letter was still the same and I couldn't keep the tears that were pricking at my eyes to stay in.

Third persons POV:

The 3rd Hokage sat there watching the poor girl in front of him that was sobbing when he finally spoke up.

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