Chapter 9 (First fight scene ever so don't judge me)

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A/N: Ok so this will probably be the only update during my exams so I've decided to try a fight scene...this will seriously be the worst and shortest you will have ever yeah, there's always a first time for everything right? (Video will make sense somewhere in the chapter*). I really need to make my chapters a consistent length, and stop having a lot of words to say otherwise I'll think my chapter is longer than it really is.
You know how they say that you shouldn't keep a lady waiting...well Kakashi-'Sensei' obviously doesn't know that, sure I woke up late and got there even later but I still had to wait 5 minutes...5!
I did not wake up this morning just to wait for a scarecrow that wasn't going to show his face...or eye, seriously I need to see what's under that mask...
Anyway I'm getting side tracked, I've got to get myself psyched up for the bell test! Ugh but it seems like so much work now that I think of it...oh well! I'm all fired up and ready to go!
*Poof* "Sorry I'm late everybody, I got lost on the path of life." (Thanks to kadie_jackson for telling me the right excuse.) A disembodied voice came out from the smoke.
Being the almighty and powerful super girl that I am, I fell in my ass the second he appeared, at least I fell with the grace of a swan.
"More like the grace of a blind elephant!" Came the shrill voice of the pink panther wannabe.
Oops looks like I said that out loud, well I know many of her dark secrets MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
"Oh no looks like she's gone again nice going Sakura-Chan" poor little Naruto chimed out from his position wherever he stood anyway.
"*Ahem* now that we are all under control *Pointed look in my direction* I think it's time we begin the test" Kakashi interrupted our 'banter' as he set down an alarm clock on the 3 posts that magically appeared.
'Okay how do I get me one of those clocks...and why on earth is he always late if he has one in his pocket-thingy?' Why do I always have the smart thoughts going through my head when I need to focus?
"All you four need to do to pass this test is to take these bells from me." He sounded very bored when he said this...long day maybe?
"But Sensei there is only three bells and four of us..." The pink haired barn owl* managed to scream above the voices in my head...I'm sane I tell you.
"Hm, so you noticed, that's right only three of you will pass the other will be sent back to the academy to repeat the year" So everyone's face turned out like this (0.0) it was so funny...well it would have been if my ears weren't still ringing.
"The test will start when I say go" Seriously I could have seen this coming from a mile away even if I wasn't a Naruto fan, because Naruto found it to be plausible to charge at Kakashi as if he was a playground bully. (It's been so long since I saw the anime *Watery eyes* I need to remember so until then <or till I watch it again> I will make up the script from the top of my head)
No words could be said at the spectacle before us, one second Kakashi was stood in all his glory reading that damn perverted book, the next he is behind Naruto one arm stopping him from moving,  the other holding his 'precious'.
"I never said start yet" His voice was laced with mild interest as if this hasn't happened before.
"Start" that shout startled all of us to move into hiding behind bushes and branches. (Ok so time for me to just wrote speech and no words describing it unless it's important)
"So they got the basics of hiding down, not too bad there's two of them over of them is over there...being really lazy in the bush...but where is the other one?"
"Kakashi-Sensei I challenge you for a bell!"
"What's the done think he's doing charging in like that"
"Naruto!~"(Anyone else notice when Sakura was angry she always had a certain tone <Which to me sounded weird for anger> when she said Naruto's name?)
"Your a bit weird you know that?"
"The only weird thing is your hair!"
'Ooh Naruto using that bad burn...Kakashi better get some burn heal' Oh I love the voices in my head.
*First fight (Jutsu in Bold)*
"Shadow clone Jutsu!" A small army of Naruto's appeared behind Kakashi, some of them grabbing Kakashi stopping him from making an escape.
"Haha see Sensei I caught you now I can take the bells and give one to Sakura-chan!"
"That's a good plan Naruto but...I'm not here *poof*"
All that was left behind was Naruto and Naruto and oh look another Naruto.
Watching Naruto #1 punch Naruto #2 was fun, although it got very repetitive after a while so I moved along in the forest only stopping to see what berries where on bushes.
-Sasuke fight-ish- (Sakura is not even worth mentioning all she did was faint it's a waste of words)
Shuriken whizzed through the air aiming for their intended target, yet when they hit their target it poofed (apparently this isn't a real word- who knew?) revealing a log and a lot of smoke. (Why so much smoke? Is it because they move so fast?) Sasuke turned around quickly to come face to face with Kakashi, who was still reading that orange book of his (the Perv).
"Hmm I was expecting more from the 'Almighty' Uchiha" Now I really like Kakashi-Sensei, anyone who insults an Uchiha is a friend of mine.
"I'm nothing like the others!" With that remark Sasuke rushed forward, starting off the taijutsu battle.
Sasuke threw a punch aimed at Kakashi's midsection, which Kakashi blocked with his left leg, next a kick was sailing through the air towards Kakashi's head, which was caught by his right hand, straight after that Sasuke sent his other leg into the air hoping to disorientate Kakashi long enough to grab a bell, hope was not on his side (yes I said hope instead of luck)  as his leg was blocked by Kakashi's forearm.
Realising he still had one arm free, Sasuke reached towards the bells. Kakashi noticed this and reacted with his Jōnin reflexes by throwing Sasuke back a couple of feet, who then flipped backwards into the air performing hand seals in a relatively fast pace.
"Fire Style: Fire ball Jutsu!" A large fireball flew through the air burning a few stray leaves that flew into its path on its destined course of it's only opponent- Kakashi. Kakashi only had time to widen his eyes before the fire ball made contact...or it should have because all that was left was scorched ground.
Sasuke searched around frantically for his target, checking all the vital points, forward, behind, left, right and above so he never suspected to be dragged underground.
"Well that's three down and only one to go." With that he walked away leaving Sasukes head to glare daggers into trees.
*Sara Fights!*
I walked into the field that Kakashi was lazing about in and I stopped a few feet away from him.
"Are you the real Kakashi, because if your not I'll leave?" I reall can't be bothered fighting if this isn't the real one...although I'm pretty sure it is.
"Oh so you know I've been using clones to fight everyone, how perceptive of you hime." Okay now I want to kill him.
"Well I am the real on so we might as well get in with it, not much time is there."
"I was wondering when we could start, I really want to see how much my practice of my Yôso kontorôru has paid off."
Wanting to keep Kakashi on his toes I made the ground underneath him turn into spikes forcing him to jump away lest he be turned into a shish-Kebab.
"Wait how did you-" I cut him off by using the water in the lake that was in the field 'How did I miss that the first time?' As ammo that shot at him keeping him at bay and diverting his attention away from me.
"You know, not many people know this but anything and everything has to do with nature, anything that you have on you comes from the power of nature, should someone have that power wouldn't they be able to completely disappear and destroy everything in their way to create something better?"
Kakashi seemed to click onto what I was hinting at by the alarmed look on his face.
" can control nature, meaning you can control all elements?"
"Not only the elements, If I focus enough I can use the items that are created from nature, such as the metal used for your kunai and shuriken."
Deciding that was enough talking for now 'seriously it's a fight not a coffee morning stay focused!' I sent a gust of sharpened wind towards Kakashi causing him to fly backwards- blocking his face not noticing the small bell falling from his waist.
"Looks like I won't be able to hold back any longer." Kakashi lifted up his forehead protector (Japanese version kept spamming my auto correct lol) showing off his sharingan that gave him the nickname the 'Copycat Ninja'.
Kakashi sped forward at Chuunīn level speeds, catching me of guard enough for him to land a blow and sent me crashing into a tree. Shakily getting up to my knees, I conjured up a barrier of wind that blocked Kakashi's next blow and watched as it was his turn to be sent into a tree.
Noticing that there was only a few minutes before the bell would ring signalling the end of the test, I decided to lead Kakashi towards the stumps, just like I hoped he followed me but stayed at Chuunīn speed, letting me stay ahead of barely.
As soon as I landed onto the ground the alarm rang, meaning the test was over.
*Fast forward 5 minutes*
'Poor Naruto still had to be tied to the post...he's encountered so much rope today' I laughed at my own joke quietly, any louder and I would have been looked at as if I was crazy...again.
"Well it looks like none of you have to go back to the Academy..." Seriously, he's making is get so hopeful!
"Because all of you should quit being ninja!" And here Sasuke charged at Kakashi, whilst Naruto cried out in outrage, though he quieted when Kakashi was pinned.
"See you act like children, Ninja have to face missions that could end in the death of a comrade! Did any of you even get the true meaning of this test!?" Seeing that no one was going to answer because none of them knew the meaning- I ventured to save whatever dignity our team had left.
"The true meaning was teamwork wasn't it Kakashi-Sensei?" Kakashi nodded his head in approval.
*Skips speech on what everyone did wrong because I'm lazy*
"I'm going to give you all one last chance, but it will be after you have some lunch, be warned though if any of you feed Naruto you will be disqualified!" With that he hid behind a tree with a Seal-less Shushin.
Hearing Naruto's stomach grumble every few minutes for annoying so I shoved my food into his mouth...literally he couldn't move.
"But Sara Kakashi-Sensei said we shouldn't feed him!"
"What Kakashi doesn't know won't hurt him besides Naruto needs all of his strength as well if we want to pass"
Sasukes seeing the logic behind my words also offered her food along with Sasuke, who didn't look like he wanted to do it.
The sky slowly got darker, and lightning flashed across the sky, in the flick of a switch Kakashi was facing us again with a 'I'm going to kill you then eat your bodies for dinner look...yep that one'.
"You dare disobey me! What do you have to say for yourselves!?"
"We don't leave anyone behind"
"Those who leave their comrades behind are worse than trash!"
"We are all a team we either fail together or we rise up to the challenge together!"
"Well you guys...PASS!" Let me tell you the feeling of relief in me felt a lot better now, even though I knew the outcome it still felt like it wasn't going to happen.
After a long speech about comrades staying together everyone decided to leave one by one leaving me behind with the flailing Naruto, giving him some pity I cut him down and then ran off before he could drag me off for some 'Instant-Ramen celebration' even though I love the stuff there is only so much a person like me can take before I give up.
A/N: I finally finished a chapter! Anyway I would like to thank everyone that wanted me to continue with this story, and for all of the people who leave comments that I love to read and reply to! Anyway over 2000 words for once (even though most of them might be from me ranting :p). By the time this gets published I'll have 3 exams left before I finish school...until September. So I might be able to get more updates out.
Anyway Thanks again for reading, I'll see you all next time I update!
Please comment I want to hear all of your opinions, or even if you want to just talk :3
Oh yeah sorry about the fight was the hardest part for me and I probably dreaded it the most (Why do a Naruto fic then?) but ones out of the way...I have the ending planned before the rest of the story so I'll start to fill in pieces.
This is Karl signing off once again!

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