Chapter 6: Teams

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Hi guys I want to thank everybody who has took some time to read this story and sticking with it (if you still do).

Anyway I am starting more Naruto Fanfics but I will be writing more chapters for this story first.

I don't own Naruto, I own some cookies but that's it.

Over 700 reads so happy! =^-^= Thank YOU!!!!

On with the story cuz it will be better than this....I hope. *le sweatdrop*

'-----' Thinking.


Well I know that the original teams were Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura as team7.

Shino, Kiba and Hinata as team8, the tracking team.

And team10 being Ino, Shikamaru and Choji, the second generation of Ino-Shika-Cho.

But with me here I could change the whole thing.

*sigh* I hope that doesn't happen.

At that moment after tuning out I hear shouting and I turn my head to see Naruto glaring at Sasuke.

'I should record this!' I thought deviously to myself.

At that moment I pulled out my Ipod and started to record the scene infront of me.

"Naruto stop galring at our Sasuke-kun!" pretty obvious who shouted that.

Whilst Sasuke's fangirls were fighting his battle the boy sitting infront of Naruto lent back and bumped Naruto.

Which ended in them...Kissing.

"Naruto I didn't know you were gay! All Yaoi lovers...and Kakashi Hatake here is SasuNaru free for everyone to see!" I yelled whilst making sure to look into the corner smiling at them well mainly Kakashi.

A dark aura came from my right and I saw all the fangirls glaring daggers at Naruto so I decided to step in.

"Back down from my baka of a nii-san and return to your seats before I get angry or Iruka-sensei comes in." I told them in a commanding voice.

I felt on top of the world till a random girl in the fan club decided to rebel, "And what will you do? You look like you couldn't even hurt a fly!"

And that ladies and gentlemen when hell broke loose.

I stormed up to her gathered chakra around my fist, instead of the blue colour surrounding it there was the colours black and white 'probably from my Yin and Yang prowesses' and punched her in the face leaving her to go through the wall and slump down against the tree in the yard which might I say has also gor some cracks in it.

I decided to go check my work so I walked over ignoring the wary glances towards me, and stare at the randomer.

'Looks like a broken nose oh well that can be healed.' I continued to heal the girl whilst Iruka walked through the door and sweatdropped when he saw the wall, but a look of astonishment crossed his face when he saw me healing the girl.

"Any way I congradulate you graduates for passing the exams and becoming genin, now you are at the bottom level of ninja so there will bea tough road ahead of you. Any way onto the teams...team1....team2....team3.....team4....team7 is Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno."

Naruto jumps in the air cheering whilst Sakura slumps down in her seat saying 'Im doomed'

"...Sasuke Uchiha..." Naruto and Sakura switched positions and I felt bad for Naruto.

"and for our late entry of a new student Sara Uzumaki."

Now on the inside I am like fan-girling and jumping around everywhere but on the outside I just smile and sit in my seat after recovering miss.Nameless.

"Team8 consists of Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga and Kiba Inuzuka. Team9 is still active and team10 is Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi and Ino Yamanaka. These are this years teams."

"Iruka-Sensei why do I have to be on the same team as that teme!" Naru yelled whilst glaring at duckbutt.

"You are on the same team as Sasuke as he had the second best scores in the class whilst you had the worst."

Almost everyone in the class was laughing at Naruto for having the worst scores.

"Just don't get in my way dobe." King emo graciously said.

After that though everyone had a look of curiosity written on their face.

"Wait Iruka-sensei you said that Sasuke-kun got the 2nd best who got the first then?" Sakura said whilst sneaking peeks at Sasuke 'God I have to help her out..and soon.'

"Well that spot was claimed by Sara-hime." As soon as he said the word Hime evryone turned to look at me with confused faces.

"Wait sensei why did you say Hime." None other than Ino chimed in.

Whilst he said that it was a mistake and using terrible cover ups I was getting irk marks pulsing across my brow. Just to add more effect I decided to turn my hair red for permanent (unless I change it) and made it sway around like mothers would.

"Iruka-Sensei~" I sang in a sickly sweet tone of voice.

The amount of emotions that ran across his face was priceless because there was awe, recognition and a lot of fear.

"Now time for you to learn your lesson~" And with that I punched him through the opposite wall to the one whicn the Fan-girl I punched earlier went through, he ended up sprawled on the floor with blood pooling around him.

"Well time for lunch. See Ya!" With that I ran out.


Well I know it is short, stupid writers block.

Any way just so You all know I might make this a Kiba love story because about 90% of the fanfics out there are Sasuke love stories (Which are very good so no offence)

Well that might not happen for another few chapters and I will need to read some love stories now *sigh*

Thanks for sticking around,



Fan (you don't have to though I wont put a gun to your head...Or will I?)

Bye, Ciao, Adios, Sayanara(sp.) Aurevouir(sp.)

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