Chapter 4

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Hi guys this Chapter is dedicated to Unicorns_are_amazing, Star_night, Malikaax3, Animelife364, AnimeKitty135 and Hime_chan10 for being my latest fans.

I have decided to make Sara lose her shy-ness (is that even a word) so there will be less stuttering.

Story start.


I woke up at 6am in the morning but something about today was different.

Is it that I woke up earlier? No.

Could it be that im in the Narutoverse still? Maybe.

Or is it that I am Naruto's sister? Yes that is it! I have a family.

I decided to go to my dresser to get changed and get ready for the academy.

Once I finished getting changed I made my way to Naruto's room.

As soon as I opened the door I could see him in the most uncomfortable position one that is almost inhuman.

I made my way over to him and started to shake him lightly.


About 10 minutes later Naruto managed to wake up, he was a bit groggy but awake nontheless

"Hmm..what is it?"

"Naruto come on its my first day at the academy today I don't want to be late, so come on get up."

Naruto just turned over which caused me to get irk mark.


That made Naruto shoot up,

"Ok, ok im up just please don't take my ramen."

"Just get ready and be downstairs in 5 minutes, I will be making breakfast."

Whilst I was making my way down the stairs I could hear the sounds of Naruto's feet shuffling, and the sound of items being thrown across the room.

I decided to make Naruto something different for the special occasion instead of the usual ramen I know that he would eat.

I started to make my world famous (Well my world) caramel costed pancakes with some chocolate coated strawberries and cream...for after the main breakfast.

For the main breakfast I started to cook a full english.

What I just noticed is that Naruto has all the ingredients for various recipes but doesn't eat anything other than ramen.


'Well that must be Naruto and his Kakashi doll which I dont really know where he got it...or why he sleeps with it.'I snickered quietly at my remark.

When breakfast was finished I started to serve it making sure everything was perfect to the last grain of chocolate.

"Nii-chan breakfast is ready."

"I will be down now.Believe it!"

When he finally walked down he looked st me then at the food at the table which practically made his eyes pop out of his head.

"Imouto what is this?"

"It's breakfast now eat up or I will eat it all!" I declared with an evil glint in my eye.

Naruto sat down and started to eat the food after the main part of breakfast Naruto was practically drueling over the food he just devoured.

'How can he eat so much without gaining weight!?! *sigh*'

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