Ending Part 1

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Sara's gaze moved quickly from the shadow clone of Zabuza that she was fighting towards the source of the explosion that echoed on the bridge.

Slowly the dust settled and Sara's view was bombarded with the unpleasant sight of Sasuke's prone form peppered with senbons, whilst Naruto was curled over Sasuke's form protectively saving him from the onslaught of weapons that they were victims of.

Sara could feel her rage slowly building, momentarily forgetting about the enemy clone in front of her; Sara started to walk towards the giant ice dome in a trance like state.

Moving closer to the scene only caused Sara to feel more grief and anger as she saw the pain and anguish on Naruto's face, before slowly he too succumbed to the darkness that encroached his sight.

"N-Naruto. Naruto, please answer me Naruto!" Sara's traumatised cry filled the area.

Getting no response from her attempts of getting a response from Naruto, Sara slowly turned towards the orchestrator of the onslaught.

Looking at the perpetrator in the eyes of their mask, Sara moved slowly till she was face to face with the masked nin.

"Why?" The words tumbled from Sara's mouth before she had a moment to compose herself. "Why would you kill him!?! He did nothing to you! He wanted you to see that there was a life better than the one you were living! So why?"

"He was in the way of my master's goal, so he shared the same fate as all those who oppose him." The fake-hunter nin's swift reply cut through the air. "To be a ninja one must be able to kill for their superiors and to protect the ones they love. I will fulfil Zabuza-sama's wish, even if I have to shroud my heart in ice. So stand down, I do not wish to cause more harm than what has been done." The masked nun pronounced before reaching into their pouch and pulling out a handful of senbon.

Sara wiped her eyes of any remaining tears before standing tall and glaring at the tense form of her opponent before her. "I hope for your sake more than mine, that you can move quicker than the speed of light, because even your ice won't protect you from the blaze that I will produce."

Acting quickly after hearing the threat, the masked nun threw their handful of senbon before seeking refuge inside of the closest 'mirror'.

Quickly moving her hands, Sara used her limited power over the wind to knock away the senbon before turning to the mirror next to her and placing her hands on it.

"Do you know the special thing about ice? Whilst it is mainly made out of water, the air within the ice that freezes it helps ensure that the ice will melt should it be exposed to enough heat. Sasuke realised this but his flames barely did any damage..." Pausing to assess the mirror before her Sara spoke abruptly before the hunter could interrupt "...but that's most likely because you reinforced it with your chakra. But how will you be able to deal with a flame that is made from the actual elements?"

Sara rapidly gathered her thoughts on how the air's currents and pressure formed together to cause a blistering ball of fire in her palm, before sending it through the mirror and cutting the chakra flow the masked nin was sending to keep their Jutsu active.

Underneath his mask Haku gasped heavily before widening his eyes and forcing his body to move so that the shattered remains of his demonic ice mirrors would miss him completely as he felt the connection break.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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