Chapter 7: Intoductions and the Bell Test!

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Hi people out there!

It has been quite some time. I got lost on the road of life, then I met a black cat so I had to take the long way round, then there was an old lady with some bags and when I went to help her she hit me...with a bag. In other words I just couldn't think of anything to write, especially with school and homework, seriously though why have 30 hours of school a week then set homework! It's an ABOMBINATION!

Anyway I would like to thank everyone who has read and voted for this book. ^_^

3.8K reads! I am very happy!

Well without further ado let this chapter comense!


Well lunch was not the most exciting time in the world.

I mean yes it is not everyday that a teacher calls their student hime and then the student punches the teacher through a wall. Is it?

Well because of that they all crowded around him poking him....with sticks.

I decided to keep my hair red so that people will know not to get me angry.

During lunch all the groups started to eat together.

Team 10 or Ino-Shika-Cho Jr where located on the roof across from where Sasuke was eating.

Team 8 the sensory team was sitting in one of the classrooms with Kiba being noisy and Hinata stuttering from time to time and Shino...well Shino was being Shino.

My team were all seperate.

Sakura was sitting on a park bench thinking to herself about Sasuke.

Sasuke was sitting there eating a riceball..a plain one. Thats just so...plain.

Naruto was being himself looking for Sasuke to tie him up.

Me you may ask?

I was stalking everyone and not in the pedo way.

What? I want to make sure everything is right!

"Can I help tie him up Naruto" I asked with my puppy dog eye jutsu. What just because we are the same age doesn't mean that I can't be cute...right?

"I have to do this on my own Sara sorry."He said without turning around because he knows about my eye techniques. Damn him and his...I have no good way to end that.

"Fine but I will be back with my REVENGE!" *Cackels madly, then jumps away*

I decided to just make my way back to the classroom and stare out the window that wasn't there before. 'Wonder why they put that there?'
~1 hour timeskip~

After an hour of sitting in a seat for an hour you would think that I would be bored right? Well you are wrong.

I fell asleep and weird things happen when I sleep, like now I am infront of a cage in a sewer.
"So my jailor has finally came for a visit how honoured I am to be under your presence." A voice which managed to echo around the room...echoed?

"Erm...Hello. My name is Sara Uzumaki and I am guessing that you are Ulric...right."

All I got was a grunt in response.

"Hey do you think I could change this place up a bit it looks a bit...drab."

This actually got the beast to come into the light.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, there right infront of me was a golden fox with 10tails that had white tips at the end, with pale yellow eyes that would make anyone lost if looked in for too long.

"Go ahead I don't really like this place that much either."

I closed my eyes to concentrate, around me my surroundings started to shift, instead of the sewer now laid a beautiful forest clearing, with flowers both real and fake, a crystal clear lake,tall trees that seemingly go on forever, and instead of the cage that once stood was a giant tree in the center with the seal.

I decided to liven the place up a bit by adding some creatures, first I made some rabbits that has fur as white as snow, next I made some deer their pelts a dark mahogony colour and many more animals even some that weren't real.

I was about to speak to Ulric when I started to feel like I was being shaken awake.

'Who ever it is...there will be hell to pay!'

Well that is that.
Sure it may be short but I have no time to write much anymore :(
I will try to write soon.
Eat a lot of cookies!
Bye :)

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