Authors note

2.9K 102 11

Sorry guys that I haven't been updating. I have been having a terrible case of writers block so it doesn't help much that I also have a lot of schoolwork to complete.

Good news is that this story have over 600 views/reads so I appreciate everyone who has read,vote,and commented on this story. You know who you are.

The other good news is that since school finishes this week I should have more free time to update.

Don't know what else to say so I am gonna end it here.

Bye and goodluck to all you special people out there.

P.S: I am also going to be starting a new story (Another Naruto ff) just go onto my profile and it will be there once I upload an actual chapter -.-'

And I know I start too many stories but dont continue much on my currently going ones.

But that is just what I do sorry.

Syanorra (I think)

Karl (^-\)

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