Chapter 12

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I've decided to make up my own Jutsu (in case some of them you don't know) because I am currently typing this in school :P.


I could feel the shivers running down my spine as I gazed at both of the demon brothers in front of me, they were the first threat that I've had since my (almost) kidnapper.

Managing to force my eyes to make contact with one of the brothers...Gozu I believe, I could see the determination behind his eyes, yet there was also a small amount of hesitation. Don't they want to kill us? Or is it because we are ninja, regardless of rank, that they are being wary of us?
Looking behind me I could see that I'm not the only person who is afraid of the enemies standing before us.

Naruto was trembling slightly, his face was pale and sweat was slowly rolling down his face. Sakura looked as if she was having some sort of struggle against the air and was losing, very badly might I add. Only Sasuke seemed to have some sort of control over his fear, in fact it almost seemed as if he was excited, he was almost salivating at the though of being able to fight these two people infront of us, but even I could see the slight tremor in his form.

Both demon brothers seemed to enjoy the fear they installed into my teammates, as they lost every last bit of hesitation they had in their eyes, before they charged us.

Sasuke was the first to move, he jumped infront of the smaller brother and engaged him in taijutsu, he seemed to be handling himself well so I turned to the other brother.

He was coming at me at around high-chuunin speed, if I push myself I should be able to match if not become faster than him. I managed to dodge his incoming attack with my new found reflexes before I had to jump backwards to dodge his chain that came speeding towards my face.

"Hmm, so this little bug won't be squished so easily, will she?" He was mocking me and I knew it, but he was still underestimating me. That will be his downfall.

"Don't you think your a little bit too old to be playing with children? I mean what are you. A paedophile?" I taunted him with a smirk just as taunting as my tone.

My taunt seemed to work as he got red in the face with either anger or embarrassment, either of which is fine as his attack will be sloppier than usual. Deciding that I wasn't going to wait for him to make the first move, I charged towards Mizu (I believe this was his name, if not correct me) whilst making hand-signs preparing to finish this off early so that I could help Sasuke. What? Just because I don't like the guy doesn't mean I don't want to see him be butchered by a chain.

'Earth Style: Rising Rock Spears!' sure its not the most powerful jutsu that I possess, but it should be able to distract him from focusing on me.

I watched as Mizu  dodged the attack by jumping into one of the nearby trees, so by using my Yôso kontorôru, I made the spears of rock start chasing him, whilst I myself hid in one of the bushes close by that allowed me to see where he was going.

I could feel myself slowly start to lose energy the longer that I kept my Yôso kontorôru activated, so I relinquished my control over the earth so that I could start storing up some energy for my next move.

I felt like a predator stalking it's prey as I crawled through the undergrowth watching Mizu turn to look towards every direction as fast as he possibly could, I knew that I had to act fast if I wanted to take him down.

'Genjutsu art: Mimicry of Hellfire!' This genjutsu is somewhat special to me, it stemmed from the idea of me being able to control fire, so it got me thinking maybe I could change the fire I could control, but alas, the only fire I could change it to was a hotter flame, my control wasn't that great yet. So I made this to counter the fact that my fire abilities are limited so far and that I had no genjutsu .

I know what your thinking, 'How can a jinchuuriki use genjutsu?' Well it takes up a lot of chakra even with the small amount of control I have over it, sure I could always increase my control but my reserves are increasing everyday due to my tenant.

I watched as Mizu went limp- yet he still stood - so I cautiously moved closer to him until I was stood face to...mask with him. I reached out with my hand to tip him over to see if he was unconscious but just as I was about to reach his jacket he sliced upwards with his chain, which lead to me having to jump backwards yet again.

I started to feel sluggish- was my control really that bad to make my body feel fatigued, I could see Mizu starting to charge at me again so I prepared to jump out of the way again, but my leg seized up. I knew I had no chance of escaping at that I would die here so I closed my eyes waiting for the chain to take my head off my shoulders.

It seemed like forever had passed before I opened my eyes again after feeling no pain. I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me Kakashi-Sensei had Mizu hanging off of his arm whith the chain ever so close to my face. Gozu was tied up and unconscious next to  a heavily out of breath Sasuke who was being tended to by Sakura.

Everything started to get blurry, I could see Naruto moving forward to see if I was ok. I kept hearing them say something about poison. What poison? The chain never touched me...unless. I looked at my hand and there it was a little cut, the size of a paper cut, the one that infected me with a deadly poison.

I blacked out before I could even turn over.


So that's another chapter, short I know but I wanted everything to start moving along, especially since I have exams coming up again soon (I'm the only one sitting some of them so yeah I'll be lonely XD)

'Genjutsu art: Mimicry of Hellfire!'- A genjutsu that lets the viewer see themselves being plunged into hellfire over and over again, affects sight, touch and hearing, but a good sense of smell will be able to help you detect it.

'Earth Style: Rising Rock Spears!'- Rock spears rise from the ground and chase the opponent (I couldn't find the actual name {because of schools horrible art of blocking a lot of websites} so I made this name).

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