Chapter 13

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OwO what is this? A double update? That never happens. Yeah I felt bad for not updating often, and since this has been in my head a while, this happened. Don't expect another chaoter for a while XD those of you who have been around for a while know this.

'Ugh why do I feel like a truck hit me? The last thing I remember is...'

My eyes snapped open so quickly I was afraid of them flying off my face. I looked around to gauge my surroundings and found myself to be lying on a bed in a room that was unfamiliar to me.

I spotted a lump in the corner of the room so I decided to try and move towards it to see what it was, but luck was never on my side, because as soon as I stood up I smashed right back down into the ground making a loud 'thump' noise. Curse my luscious body for making such loud noises.

The lump moved quickly, brandishing a kunai as some sort of self-defense before he realized the situation and the position that I was in.

I was tangled in the bedsheets, with my legs hanging over my head and my hair strewn all over the place.

He slowly walked over to me with a grimace on his face as he picked me up and sat me on the bed before he started for 'his' corner. Before he got too far I grabbed his shirt and tugged gently, it was supposed to be harder but I couldn't muster up the strength to pull with much force.

Feeling the small resistance against him Sasuke turned around to face me, his ever present scowl on his face.

"What?" His voice was gruff and demanding, as if my very presence was irritating him beyond belief.

"Well I was going to say thank you for picking me up, but if your gonna have that attitude then you won't get anything!"

"Hn" The nerve of this guy, I mean seriously who does he think he is, acting like he is all high and mighty with his little 'Hn's', in gonna give him a piece of my mind!

"Who the hell do you think you are!?!" He looked at me as if I was some sort of alien, before he gained a devious smirk and turned around fully till we were face to face.

"Hn. I'm the man of your dreams." I could practically feel my anger boiling over at that, how dare he say something like that when I'm practically bedridden so I won't be able to kick his ass after it.

"You do know that I will still kick your ass even though I'm stuck in bed don't you?" I couldn't help but crack a small smile at the little flinch he gave, but as if remembering that he had the leverage of being able to move his face went back to it's usual sneer.

"Please, you know you want some of this fine body, your just jealous that you won't get any." Now I was beyond pissed.

"I'm the one that's jealous?  Ha! Don't make me laugh, the only person you will end up with if you stay on this path, is yourself! You think killing the last memeber of your family besides yourself will fix everything? Your so naive! Nothing goes the way you plan in life. Nothing!" I couldn't stop myself from shouting, he really needs to realise that life won't give him what he wants.

"And what do you know huh? Have you been what I've been through? You never saw your family get murdered infront of your eyes! You never saw the light leave their eyes as they took their last breaths. I'm not the naive one, you are." He was glaring at me by this point.

"But treating everyone like they are rubbish isn't the way to go is it? You shouldn't be pushing everyoene away, why are you doing it what are you afraid of?" If I'm going to get him to open up then this is the best time, whilst he's too emotional to think over what he's saying.

"I'm afraid of letting him kill everyone I hold close! The only way I can stop him from hurting everyone is if I kill him myself, only an Uchiha can fight the sharingan and win. I'll even go rogue if it means that he will be gone from everyone's life." He seemed to notice what he said as he tried to walk out of the room after he managed to get his eyes from their widened position.

"Wait so you don't just want revenge for your want to protect everyone? But killing Itachi wont allow you to do that. You might not know it yet, but there is more towards every situation in life, even one as trivial as this one, there are reasons behind every action, you just need to look for all of these reasons." Wow I feel like a preacher or something, I really should get paid with all of this motivation I am giving people.

"Hn." With his famous catchphrase out of the way, Sasuke left tge room, and I was left in silence for a few minutes before Naruto came crashing into the room crying and screaming about how I almost left him all alone again.

This chapter is dedicated to The_Slytherin_Potter, because of our little conversation/rant thing that we had over Sasuke a few days ago so this was sitting around in my head for a while after that.

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