Chapter 2

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Hi guys this chapter is dedicated to SweetSenka and Nials_Hime for fanning. This chapter is also dedicated to ExtraCrazy14 for their inspirational words that made me feel like writing.

Anyway on with the story!


Third Hokages POV:

I was currently walking through the forest in Konoha when I see something orange through the bushes.

I gingerly made my way over to the bush thinking that it might be Naruto but I never dropped my guard.

When I made it to the bush what I found was not Naruto but a young girl around the age of 13 who resembles a female version of Naruto.

I started looking around for anything that might give me some information about this girl,that's when I spotted it, a letter that was sealed with red sealing wax.

I walked over to it and picked it up and reading the envelope which read 'To Sara/Third Hokage.'

I sighed and I opened the letter and started reading, my eyes were growing wider with each word that explained who this girl was and what happened to her.

Being to busy with the letter I didn't notice the blond starting to awake.

Sara's POV:

I woke up to the noise of what sounded like paper being opened.

To lazy to open my eyes I lay there feeling a small pain course down from my neck to my legs.

I heard a sigh coming from somewhere close by so I tried opening my eyes.

As soon as my eyes finally opened I was feeling drowsy but their was something else...another feeling...almost like I was being watched.

I looked to the right to find an old man in a cloak/robe thing which made me do a double take because he looks familiar from somewhere.

That's when it hit me, the reason I am in a forest, why the 3rd Hokage is standing infront of me; either I am having the best dream ever or I'm in the Narutoverse!

I have a fangirl moment and squel quietly until pain hits me and I groan, causing the Hokage to look at me in shock.

'What have I done now? I mean I have just woken up but by his look I seemed to have shocked him.' I couldn't help but sigh at my thought.

After a few moments of an awkward silence the Hokage speaks up,"Hello there I am-" "T-The 3rd H-Hokage I know." I stated making him give me a curious glance which soon turned into a serious one as he continued ignoring my outburst.

"Right you are but do you know who you are?"

As soon as I hear that question I couldn't help but giggle a bit at the thought of him asking if I knew my own name.

"M-M name is S-Sara Uzumaki-i and I don't know how I e-ended up in a forest." Now I sound just like Hinata great.

I heard the Hokage chuckle at the random comment at the end but hey I needed to try and stop the awkward silence from coming back.

The awkward silence returned so I knew I had to break it.

"L-Lord Hokage I was w-wondering 2 things."I held up 2 fingers,"1 Why a-arent you in Konoha?2 could I b-become n-ninja for the leaf?"I managed to ask without hesitation.

I spared a glance at the Hokage to see him giving me a heartwarming smile,"Sure but we will need to ask some questions and I need to give you something important.Okay."

I looked up and nodded and smiling on the outside acting cool and shy but on the inside I am jumping for Joy.

Unknown Persons POV:

I was angry at the fact that the person who makes all of the tailed beasts pale in comparison get away from me even when she was knocked out,but the thing that bugged me was that she started to glow white and that's what made her disappear.

I walked into an office which had 2 occupants in it and they both turned to look at me.

"Did you manage to get her...Madara."

Hokage's POV:

In the Hokage's office-

I looked towards Sara seeing a sad and gloomy, yet happy smile on her face so I decided now would be the time to tell her about everything....including her powers that she holds.

"Sara I found this letter by you when you were laying on the floor in the forest it contains everything you need to know about yourself,family and what powers you hold."I stated with a bit of compassion as I could see her tense up before she took the letter.

I kept my eye on her whilst she read the letter seeing her shocked face throughout most of the letter, sometimes showing sadness and others happiness but one look of knowing came across her face.At the end her eyes widened.


End of chapter 2 hope you guys enjoyed it.

I wonder what is in the letter.

I dont know much myself but I do know bits which will be in there.

Now you guys defenitely know who was going to take Sara yes it was Madara but now he seems to be pissed.




Eat cookies!

Bye cookie eaters and non cookie eaters.


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